Spring 2010 Recap

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    We just got back from a couple weeks of chasing snows in the Dakotas. Our crew has been hunting on and off in South Dakota from March 15. We did jump into North Dakota for the last weekends hunt as birds finally got pretty thin in South Dakota.

    Like everyone has been saying, it was a tough year this year with very few juvies to bang up those big hunts with. However we still were able to put together some dang good shoots (relatively speaking) racking up over 225 birds. Our big morning was 46, our low day was 2. The rest of the hunts ranged from 8 – 42 per day.

    Mid day hunts were worthless this year. Very few migrators fell to our spread….and hot feeds got eaten up pretty quickly. Staying very mobile was the key to the success we had, moving spreads for both morning and evening hunts. I feel bad for all those full body guys that didn’t have that option…..heard a lot of them got their ARSE handed to them. It’s a tough pill to swallow shooting single digits or zeros day after day over a $15,000 spread of full bodies. This past sunday we hit out stride pulling, moving and setting our spread 5 times in one day.

    Although we didn’t get in on any super monster hunts like we have the past couple years, it was still a great spring and we feel we did pretty darn good with what we had to work with this year.

    Hope for a good hatch this spring…..and bring em on in the fall!

    Here are some photos from the trip.

    Our Best morning.

    A zero wind foggy morning sunrise over white rock decoys!

    A days worth of empties in a pillow case. I believe this was a 36 bird shoot.

    South Dakota scenery

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey, as long as we’re in town…..Corn Palace

    1200 decoys and two blinds in the back of the pick-up. A lot of roads were washed out, but we found the fields very manageable this year. We were able to drive trucks into three fields, and never hunted in a soup bowl like we have in the past.

    One of our standard looking field spreads.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Nice recap Jake and some great photos too! Congrats!

    South Metro
    Posts: 223

    Looks like a great time Jake and congrats on a successful Spring!

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Very nice!

    My report will come mid-April. Can’t report on something I haven’t done yet. Our group likes the late season, and this is one very unusual spring….

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Very unusual indeed. Late season is our favorite as well…..but even the flocks straggling way behind are pretty juvieless this year…..we’re skipping the hunt we had planned for this coming weekend due to the distance we would have to drive and the unlikeliness of pulling off something great.

    Have fun……should be plenty around to pound on in ND yet though

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Nice , and great pic’s Jake

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I like the last pic…seems you left a few for seed! great pictures and recap!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great job Jake!

    I was in the Huron & Aberdeen area 3 weeks ago. Definitely not that many birds around like in the past. Keep after em!!!

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Another excellent report and great photos Jake
    Good luck

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    Are your decoys on the market as yet? I apologize if I’m way behind the times, but would like to try some. Definitely getting back to ND this fall.


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey Eric,

    Yes they are. Shoot me a PM if you’d like to chat! Should be a GREAT fall with the juvie hatch predicated for this year.


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