By Chris Niskanen
Updated: 02/13/2010 11:40:16 PM CSTMinnesota duck hunters could see earlier seasons and shooting hours under two proposals being floated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
The agency will propose that the Legislature rescind a law that prohibits the duck opener from occurring before the Saturday nearest Oct. 1. The law keeps the DNR from opening the season earlier, even though the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service allows Minnesota to open the season the Saturday nearest Sept. 24.
The federal framework allows Minnesota to open as early as Sept. 21, but it’s unlikely hunters would approve of that, said Dennis Simon, DNR wildlife chief.
Instead, the DNR might choose the Saturday nearest Sept. 28 or a date no earlier than Sept. 24.
Under that framework, next fall’s duck opener would be Sept. 25.
Simon said he doesn’t expect all hunters or lawmakers to agree with the change. Though an earlier season allows hunters a better chance at early migrants, such as wood ducks and teals, it would mean the season would end earlier, eliminating late-season mallard hunting.
The DNR also is considering earlier shooting hours on opening day.
Hunting currently begins at 9 a.m. on opening day. For years, the shooting hours started at noon, until the DNR moved the start to 9 a.m.
Now, managers are proposing to start the duck opener a half-hour before sunrise.
The DNR doesn’t need the Legislature to approve the new shooting hours, but the rule will be among several changes to be discussed at public hearings this spring.
“We’ll be asking if people want to go back to a half-hour before sunrise for an opener,” Simon said. “Frankly, the 9 a.m. opener isn’t doing much for us. People don’t like it.”
He said in a recent poll, hunters equally favored either a noon opener or starting a half-hour before sunrise.
If both duck regulations are adopted, hunters could start the duck season Sept. 25 with shooting hours beginning a half-hour before sunrise.
February 19, 2010 at 2:32 pm