MN DNR seeks changes in dates and shooting hours

  • Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383


    By Chris Niskanen
    Updated: 02/13/2010 11:40:16 PM CST

    Minnesota duck hunters could see earlier seasons and shooting hours under two proposals being floated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
    The agency will propose that the Legislature rescind a law that prohibits the duck opener from occurring before the Saturday nearest Oct. 1. The law keeps the DNR from opening the season earlier, even though the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service allows Minnesota to open the season the Saturday nearest Sept. 24.
    The federal framework allows Minnesota to open as early as Sept. 21, but it’s unlikely hunters would approve of that, said Dennis Simon, DNR wildlife chief.
    Instead, the DNR might choose the Saturday nearest Sept. 28 or a date no earlier than Sept. 24.
    Under that framework, next fall’s duck opener would be Sept. 25.
    Simon said he doesn’t expect all hunters or lawmakers to agree with the change. Though an earlier season allows hunters a better chance at early migrants, such as wood ducks and teals, it would mean the season would end earlier, eliminating late-season mallard hunting.
    The DNR also is considering earlier shooting hours on opening day.
    Hunting currently begins at 9 a.m. on opening day. For years, the shooting hours started at noon, until the DNR moved the start to 9 a.m.
    Now, managers are proposing to start the duck opener a half-hour before sunrise.
    The DNR doesn’t need the Legislature to approve the new shooting hours, but the rule will be among several changes to be discussed at public hearings this spring.
    “We’ll be asking if people want to go back to a half-hour before sunrise for an opener,” Simon said. “Frankly, the 9 a.m. opener isn’t doing much for us. People don’t like it.”
    He said in a recent poll, hunters equally favored either a noon opener or starting a half-hour before sunrise.
    If both duck regulations are adopted, hunters could start the duck season Sept. 25 with shooting hours beginning a half-hour before sunrise.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Two bad ideas

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    I cant believe the stupidy of the MN DNR wildlife. I grew up hunting in Iowa and recently moved to MN. While Iowa’s seasons could be improved a little, minnesotas are a train wreck. What I dont understand is why they refuse to zone the state. Having the season the same in International Falls as it is in Albert Lea is insane. Next thing is they wont split the season, actually preferring to open it in the Octobe lull. Wow, this year, most of the teal/woodies were gone come opening day. They need to open the season for a week while the early ducks are still here and then close it for a couple weeks so we can actually shoot some late-season mallards.

    I just shake my head and hope to move back to Iowa and not have to worry about this junk.

    Posts: 75

    I had hoped they would spend their energy on creating some waterfowl resting areas and refuges in MN. If not that, then why not make MN itself a resting area for a week or so (split season)?

    Bottom line is we need something to keep the birds in the areas longer if we want the chance to hunt them in actual numbers.

    Ultimately I’d like to see more work on habitat for the spring migrators but that puts us up against the fishing lobby. I strike out everytime I go up against the “MN Dept of Walleye and Muskie Fingerling mafia”.

    Posts: 711

    if you read the original post carefully you will see they are having public meetings on this (along with other things) i was just at one of these meetings last night and what the DNR wants to do is ZONE THE STATE, OPEN THE SEASON EARLIER, AND SPLIT THE SEASON.
    don’t jump to conclusions by what some communist reporter writes. rather then sit and whine on the i-net, get off your and attend one of these meetings.

    P.S. if you need help moving back to iowa give me a call

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    First off I see nothing about split seasons or zoning in the article. I had no idea they were opposing that. Thanks for pointing that out, although, you could have been less of a DICK about it. That was pretty rude.

    Posts: 711

    that was my point, don’t get all bent out of shape over what some reporter puts in the paper, go to the DNR’s web site and get ALL the info.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    There are questions on the 2010 Hunting Regulations Online Survey for duck hunters on this very topic. Click on the link below to my post in the General Discussion Forum there you will find the link for the online survey. Your voice can be heard fill out the survey today.


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