How was the Mn duck shoot ?

  • wing_nutt3
    Posts: 129

    Well its a first for me not be out on the river for duck opener , and its sad. Here in montana it starts next weekend , but nothing compares to the river , I hear from my dad that there is places people didn’t even see before since the water is so low. How was the noon opener ,what your predictions for the year ? Tim

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    my wifes friend was done hunting today at 2:00 pm. he wasn’t on the river and I am not sure where he went, but he had to call me tonight at work to rub it in. I will be heading out with him in the morning. 6 in the boat by 2, i figured that was pretty good, he said that he went through 2 boxes of shells.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    my wifes friend was done hunting today at 2:00 pm. he wasn’t on the river and I am not sure where he went, but he had to call me tonight at work to rub it in. I will be heading out with him in the morning. 6 in the boat by 2, i figured that was pretty good, he said that he went through 2 boxes of shells.


    Posts: 129

    well that sounds like a good opener , crazy as usuall…. Tim

    Posts: 129

    well that sounds like a good opener , crazy as usuall…. Tim

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My bud and I headed out to our annual spot at midnight Saturday night. We were on the water about 1:30 AM waiting for first light. I almost forgot how cold it gets sleeping in the boat. I wrapped up in the burlap blind material and slept like a baby till about 5:30 AM when it was time to fire the day up. It was great to be out there. All said and done we came in about 12:30 PM. We had four geese(two lesser and two greater Canadas), eight mallards and four Blue-wing teal. It was a great day for hunting. The birds were moving and the pressure was light. We heard shooting but never saw another hunter till we were coming in at noon. Can you believe that the water was actually higher than anticipated where we hunted. It was up close to a foot over most years. I will post some pics when I get them developed. I don’t have a digital camera.

    Gator Hunter

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My bud and I headed out to our annual spot at midnight Saturday night. We were on the water about 1:30 AM waiting for first light. I almost forgot how cold it gets sleeping in the boat. I wrapped up in the burlap blind material and slept like a baby till about 5:30 AM when it was time to fire the day up. It was great to be out there. All said and done we came in about 12:30 PM. We had four geese(two lesser and two greater Canadas), eight mallards and four Blue-wing teal. It was a great day for hunting. The birds were moving and the pressure was light. We heard shooting but never saw another hunter till we were coming in at noon. Can you believe that the water was actually higher than anticipated where we hunted. It was up close to a foot over most years. I will post some pics when I get them developed. I don’t have a digital camera.

    Gator Hunter

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4084

    My opener was very poor. Saturday was very uneventful, not one shot fired. The birds were flying sky high. Sunday morning was not much better. The teal and woodies flew over our decoys just out of range all morning. We did manage to get one teal that swam into our decoys from farther down the lake.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4084

    My opener was very poor. Saturday was very uneventful, not one shot fired. The birds were flying sky high. Sunday morning was not much better. The teal and woodies flew over our decoys just out of range all morning. We did manage to get one teal that swam into our decoys from farther down the lake.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    Woddies, Woodies, everywere. We had three guys in our party and took home are limit of 12 Wood duck plus 4 Teal, 2 mallards and I managed to snag 1 lone honker this morning. Ended up quiting at 10am due to bluebird weather and a lack of ducks. For you guys hunting down South look for a bumper crop of Woddies to be heading your way soon, with all the cold weather moving in. Should have pics tomorrow. I’m headed back up there next weekend hopefully the mallards will have started there migration.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    Woddies, Woodies, everywere. We had three guys in our party and took home are limit of 12 Wood duck plus 4 Teal, 2 mallards and I managed to snag 1 lone honker this morning. Ended up quiting at 10am due to bluebird weather and a lack of ducks. For you guys hunting down South look for a bumper crop of Woddies to be heading your way soon, with all the cold weather moving in. Should have pics tomorrow. I’m headed back up there next weekend hopefully the mallards will have started there migration.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    it was pretty pathetic on the river bottoms for me this weekend .

    there was a suprising number of ducks flying around saturday. almost all woodies with a few teal mixed in. getting our wood ducks SHOULDN’T have been a problem, but being the excelent shooter i am, it was a problem. i can’t even hit those stupid things when there 5′ off the water trying to land in the decoys . it didn’t help that my 870 pooped out on me and i was shootin a single shot for most of sat. (although it probably saved me a lot of shells) .

    sunday morning was retched. we got buzzed by a few teal really early, but after that the whole swamp pretty much went dead. kind of dissapointing, as sunday usually is pretty good for us .

    i’m hopin’ there will be a few more teal around next weekend with this colder weather. i’m getting excited already.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    it was pretty pathetic on the river bottoms for me this weekend .

    there was a suprising number of ducks flying around saturday. almost all woodies with a few teal mixed in. getting our wood ducks SHOULDN’T have been a problem, but being the excelent shooter i am, it was a problem. i can’t even hit those stupid things when there 5′ off the water trying to land in the decoys . it didn’t help that my 870 pooped out on me and i was shootin a single shot for most of sat. (although it probably saved me a lot of shells) .

    sunday morning was retched. we got buzzed by a few teal really early, but after that the whole swamp pretty much went dead. kind of dissapointing, as sunday usually is pretty good for us .

    i’m hopin’ there will be a few more teal around next weekend with this colder weather. i’m getting excited already.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Our shoot was awesome, we shot 3 quick limits of woodies and two teal and then we went in. It was a good time!! Cant wait till tomorrow morning. I found were the geese have been sitting and there are a lot of them, so i am pumped.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Our shoot was awesome, we shot 3 quick limits of woodies and two teal and then we went in. It was a good time!! Cant wait till tomorrow morning. I found were the geese have been sitting and there are a lot of them, so i am pumped.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m a little worried about the woodies since the lack of them I saw out scouting. We hunt way off the main river though, and it was real dry back there.

    Jake and Andy, were you guys out near deeper water, ot way back, and how dry was it?

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m a little worried about the woodies since the lack of them I saw out scouting. We hunt way off the main river though, and it was real dry back there.

    Jake and Andy, were you guys out near deeper water, ot way back, and how dry was it?

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    we were way back in the back waters, a long way form any sort of deep water. the water was the lowest i’ve ever seen it, but if you got the boat up on plane and never slowed up you could make it. most of the pot holes still had good water in them. only a few we checked were low.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    we were way back in the back waters, a long way form any sort of deep water. the water was the lowest i’ve ever seen it, but if you got the boat up on plane and never slowed up you could make it. most of the pot holes still had good water in them. only a few we checked were low.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    We were not close to any deep water. I was hunting in the back of a shallow channel. The woodies would follow the tree line right in, i was amazed how the woodies were locking right in. No, mallards though, didnt even see one.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    We were not close to any deep water. I was hunting in the back of a shallow channel. The woodies would follow the tree line right in, i was amazed how the woodies were locking right in. No, mallards though, didnt even see one.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey ya’ll,

    I got out hunting on sunday morning, got out on the water at 4 am to get our spot before everyone else was on the water. we then watied for 2 hours and we put decoys out and get settled in for hunting. two fast movers are down, get out of blind to find them, cant find them, get back into blind and shoot and shoot. we finally get a female woodie down. next we have a pair of honkers fly over our head we wound one, but the guy downt he point shoots it, folds it up, and the damn bird lands in our boat. i almost fell out of the boat and the goose is still alive. i would have shot it, but didnt’ feel like damaging the boat. then the goose got out of the boat and jumps into the water and swims out to the decoys where the other guy that droped it shot it and put it in his boat. by the time 10 roled around, we had 2 geese and 1 duck, and a sore shoulder and a close encounter. not a bad morning of hunting.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey ya’ll,

    I got out hunting on sunday morning, got out on the water at 4 am to get our spot before everyone else was on the water. we then watied for 2 hours and we put decoys out and get settled in for hunting. two fast movers are down, get out of blind to find them, cant find them, get back into blind and shoot and shoot. we finally get a female woodie down. next we have a pair of honkers fly over our head we wound one, but the guy downt he point shoots it, folds it up, and the damn bird lands in our boat. i almost fell out of the boat and the goose is still alive. i would have shot it, but didnt’ feel like damaging the boat. then the goose got out of the boat and jumps into the water and swims out to the decoys where the other guy that droped it shot it and put it in his boat. by the time 10 roled around, we had 2 geese and 1 duck, and a sore shoulder and a close encounter. not a bad morning of hunting.


    Winona MN
    Posts: 75

    Well I was up north of Alexandria this weekend, Saturday was excellent, the father in law and myself ended up with 4 woodies, 3 teal, 3 mallard and one goose. a extreme amount of woodies in the area, at one time I think we had about 25 woodies swimming in the decoys. It was crazy and a time I will remember for a long time. My 4year old son was the decoy carrier for the opening day. I am glad I live in the midwest.

    Winona MN
    Posts: 75

    Well I was up north of Alexandria this weekend, Saturday was excellent, the father in law and myself ended up with 4 woodies, 3 teal, 3 mallard and one goose. a extreme amount of woodies in the area, at one time I think we had about 25 woodies swimming in the decoys. It was crazy and a time I will remember for a long time. My 4year old son was the decoy carrier for the opening day. I am glad I live in the midwest.

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