A week of mishaps

  • duckhuntrrus
    Lexington Ne
    Posts: 142

    I started out with good intentions to hunt canadians everyday this past week. The first day I forgot my waders. Second day I forgot my calls. Third day I forgot shells. I didn’t go any other days because I would have lost something or I would have got a flat tire the way my luck was going. I did get to take my boys out this morning as they didn’t have school due to a hostage situation very close to the school. We saw a ton of geese but didn’t get any. Anyway here are a few pictures from today and this past week.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I’m sorry to laugh, but you forgetting things three days in a row is kind of funny. Well at least you didn’t forget to bring your boys home!

    However it looks like is was worth it and your pictures are awesome! The last one with your boys in the blind is priceless! Thanks for sharing!

    Posts: 9311

    Nothing like a good hostage situation as an excuse to get out hunting. Way to get the boys out.

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