Some late season geese

  • duckhuntrrus
    Lexington Ne
    Posts: 142

    The forecast was calling for snow this morning so I thought it would be a great morning for some geese. Instead of snow this morning I had thick fog, but no worries I knew the geese would have to move sometime. I had a pair come in about 30 minutes after I set up. I couldn’t see anything but could hear them, I gave a few clucks and boom they were right on top of me. My shooting was better than it has the past couple of days and I got both. After that the fog got even thicker and I couldn’t see anything. Around 10 I had another flurry of geese as the fog lifted, I couldn’t get any to decoy. I thought the day was over so I went to get the truck and start loading decoys. As I was going out to pick up decoys I could hear some geese that were fairly close. Sure enough I had another flock coming my way, nothing there, so I went out to grab the decoys and look to the west and I have one locked up. I sneak back into the weeds and he lands right in the decoys with my truck in plain site. Wow what a great late season hunt. Here are a few pictures.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Nice congrats
    Are you shooting a winchester sx2?

    Lexington Ne
    Posts: 142

    No that is a mossberg 935 I think. I picked it up really cheap at Cabelas.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Nice work! Call me jealous.


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats duckhuntrrus and thanks for sharing your hunt with us!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Is that on the river? I’ve always wanted to hunt late season on the Platte! Never been able to find the right connections.

    Let us know when the snows start to show up! Should only be a few weeks now.

    Lexington Ne
    Posts: 142


    Is that on the river? I’ve always wanted to hunt late season on the Platte! Never been able to find the right connections.

    Let us know when the snows start to show up! Should only be a few weeks now.

    No it not on the Platte but dang close. Actually this is a pond that I was ice fishing on last week and had a bunch of geese fly over. I was fishing out there the next day also and had the same thing happen. I thought I would get the decoys out the next day since the fishing wasn’t very good. The Platte is about 1/4 mile to the south of where I was hunting. One of our local waterfowl groups started some goose restorations on a couple of private pits and it has just blossomed. I set up between the river and one of the restoration sand pits. Where I was hunting is all public ground. Are you looking for a DYI or a pay to hunt. There is a ton of public river ground out here and it does not get utilized throughout the week. Weekends are a different story. I work evenings and get done around midnight and than get about 5-6 hours of sleep take the kids to school than off hunting or fishing everyday. I fish or hunt typically 4-5 times a week. I will let you guys know when the snows start flying. I don’t hunt them a lot because I don’t have the gear and I am usually still ice fishing, but that is coming to an abrupt end. We have had about 2 weeks of temps in the 40’s, so what was good ice has turned into honeycomb.

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