I think someone stole my “X”

  • buckshot
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Scouted last night and was really excited to find AND get permission on a field with 200-300 honkers from 2 different roosts.
    Spent the morning looking at empty skies. I was so optimistic that I just put out a small spread so I could get out quick in hopes of hitting the same field tomorrow….so much for that idea.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    Bummer, that sucks, I have definitely been there

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I know….we’ve all been there before. It has been a rough fall in more ways than just hunting and I was really looking forward to something workin out….oh well.

    There’s always next weekend!!

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    maybe they migrated south last nite with the cold weather and the nw wind we have been getting u think someone hunted it in the evening, or maybe busted the roosts?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I put them to bed in the field Fri night and hunted Sat morning so if someone hunted it after I left the area….they were usin spot lights cuz it was dark.
    Wind was still south so they didn’t leave, they roost in a town so the roost couldn’t have been busted.

    I think it boils down to the warm weather, they don’t NEED to feed twice a day. Ran in to this last year down around Owatonna, put them to bed in a field, got permission and they never came back. They may only be “feeding” in the evening and just grazing in town during the morning and daytime hours.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308


    They may only be “feeding” in the evening and just grazing in town during the morning and daytime hours.

    That’s what the geese in Roch. do every day

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