What would i need

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    I have never duck or goose hunted but love to eat them mainly goose what would i need to go goose hunting and any tips on where to go and all that good stuff thanks guys

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Well there is much to cover here but beyond the obvious (gun and ammo) I’ll take a crack at what you need.

    Good camo matching the type of cover you plan to hunt (cattail sloughs or field stubble).

    Decoys – water or field.

    A Good call – you don’t have to overdo it, but you should be able to make the basic goose sounds.

    If you hunt on or near water, you’ll need waders or a small boat of some kind.

    Beyond that, everything else IMO, is optional. If you don’t have big $$ to spend, you can get into the sport with what I’ve listed above.

    Give us an idea where you are located so we can point you to some public spots to start with.


    Posts: 2998

    Im located in red wing mn i could hunt water or field how do you know what i good field would be do you set up in the middle or next to the woods i prob wont get to hunt this year cause all i really have is my shotgun and bow huntin camo

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    A good field is one you’ve scouted and have seen birds in. Either that or a field right next to it or on the flight path between their roosting water and feeding field.

    Do not set up near the woods!! In the middle on any piece of high ground. Geese feel safe being out in the middle and with a view all around.

    Don’t sweat the camo thing too much. Go to Gander and pick up some Fastgrass or burlap camo with corn pattern, whatever matches the field. Hide underneath it. If you do this, doesn’t really matter what you are wearing.

    Drive around some of those cornfields to your west and find some birds, get permission, and have at it!


    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 44

    Im also looking at getting into duck/goose hunting. Been out multiple times this year and love it. Been hunting with buddies who have the gear (calls and decoys) My question is should I buy the life size decoys or the smaller version? I would thing the life size ones but whats everybodys thoughts? And for calls Im just going to pick one up and hopefully learn how to use it.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    I have never duck or goose hunted but love to eat them mainly goose what would i need to go goose hunting and any tips on where to go and all that good stuff thanks guys

    There is a great opportunity to hunt with some of the best guys in the biz coming up on the Saturday of halloween. See the Run-n-Gun post for the hunt! Just need a gun, licenses, ammo, and some dark clothing for inside the pits.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589


    My question is should I buy the life size decoys or the smaller version? I would thing the life size ones but whats everybodys thoughts? And for calls Im just going to pick one up and hopefully learn how to use it.

    they both have their places. when hunting early season, or small potholes, i like using the larger decoys, because i’m using less, so, bagging them isn’t such an issue.

    but, when hunting later in the season, or any migration paths, when sheer numbers count, i want to be able to fit as many as possible in a bag. GHG Hot Buys are great for this! when putting out 15-20 dozen decoys, being able to get as many as possible in a bag really counts!

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