Has anyone out here tried this if so did you like it?
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Waterfowl Hunting – Ducks & Geese » Hevi -Metal
Hevi -Metal
October 21, 2009 at 3:46 pm #64201
don’t need that fancy ammo, when you can finish the birds into the decoys…
learn how to call better, and pay attention to what does and doesn’t work with decoy spreads, and you can spend 10 bucks on a box of shells, and not worry about it.
October 21, 2009 at 4:58 pm #64210ive used it with good results on turkey, but i think steel has improved enough that you can get the knockdown power from it just as easy.
October 21, 2009 at 7:39 pm #64245Quote:
don’t need that fancy ammo, when you can finish the birds into the decoys…
learn how to call better, and pay attention to what does and doesn’t work with decoy spreads, and you can spend 10 bucks on a box of shells, and not worry about it.
WOW that’s harsh coming from a guy that has ” One step a head of the Warden” in his avatar. So that means eveytime you shoot, the birds are right at your feet?
So you are saying you do not need to use Bis or Tungsten shot? Steel does work just fine. If I could afford it, I would shoot nothing but Hevi-Shot!
October 21, 2009 at 9:06 pm #64264I would comment on this but my hunting skills may get shredded…………
Posts: 9311October 21, 2009 at 9:17 pm #64267Quote:
don’t need that fancy ammo, when you can finish the birds into the decoys…
learn how to call better, and pay attention to what does and doesn’t work with decoy spreads, and you can spend 10 bucks on a box of shells, and not worry about it.
Most of the people on here are very helpful and I’m sure someone will jump in and actually give you a usefull answer.
DTOctober 21, 2009 at 10:28 pm #64276Friend of mine bought some for early season. He loved um on the first day, hated um on the last day. ??? Im guessing this was based on what he saw after he cut one open. A large portion of the shot was irregular in shape, quite irregular as a matter of fact. One shell cant define a product of even a case at that matter though. Cant hurt to pick up a box and see if they are what your looking for.
Every one that i hunt with who has used the Black Cloud absolutely loves them. Might want to do some research if you are using an after market choke however. The wad in those things works on the same premise as the patternmaster choke tube and they do-NOT advise shooting them through your normal patternmaster. They make a special patternmaster for the black cloud wad.October 21, 2009 at 10:31 pm #64278Black Cloud and a patternmaster get the nod from this rainmaker…. unreal killing power, racked snows at 70 yds last weekend, crazy….
October 21, 2009 at 11:01 pm #64281i do not think you need anything special for ducks. i shoot fiocchi, 105 shipped to my door per case. 3 in number 2s. if i know i am only killing geese, then yes i like to buy little better shells. i live hevi steel. have been shooting that for the last couple years early goose and late goose season. i agree even my cheep 10 dollar a box shells and i can kill ducks up to 50 yards with my patternmaster. hey it even killed a swan at 50 60 yards in nodak a week ago
Posts: 9311October 22, 2009 at 1:05 am #64292If Black Cloud has a special wad do you still need an aftermarket choke? Or could you get by with a factory one. I have a couple friends who shoot it and love it. I overbought shells a few years ago and still trying to get rid of them but when they are gone I might look into something else.
DTOctober 22, 2009 at 1:00 pm #64324I would be very careful shooting Black Cloud out of a Patternmaster. The wad could get lodged in the choke. Just an FYI.
I use Tungsten everytime I can afford to get some. The stuff is amazing on how fast it kills. Late season geese take a beating.
October 22, 2009 at 6:06 pm #64363When Hevi shot first came out, I tried it and it was absolutley amazing. And expensive, bt not nearly as expensive as it is now. #6 hevi for mallards was game set match. The difference was the cripples. There was none. They seemed to hit the water stone dead. I’m sure it works exactly the same now, but it has gotten so expensive I can’t use bring myself to use it.
Bought some Black Cloud for the first time two weeks ago. I thought the whole “belted pellet” thing was a gimmick, but after cleaning birds shot with it this last weekend, somehow it DOES make a much bigger wound channel. Stuff really seems to pattern tight, I’m going to have to try it out on a pattern board.
October 22, 2009 at 8:04 pm #64375Quote:
WOW that’s harsh coming from a guy that has ” One step a head of the Warden” in his avatar. So that means eveytime you shoot, the birds are right at your feet?
So you are saying you do not need to use Bis or Tungsten shot? Steel does work just fine. If I could afford it, I would shoot nothing but Hevi-Shot!
what does my location comment have to do with anything? and in case you haven’t figured it out…its a joke.
and yes, i shoot drakes….feet down…
you can have all the pass shooting at trash ducks you want.
October 22, 2009 at 8:08 pm #64376Quote:
I would be very careful shooting Black Cloud out of a Patternmaster. The wad could get lodged in the choke. Just an FYI.
i may be mistaken on this, but i believe they now make a Patternmaster specifically for black cloud, because of the wad jam issues.
October 22, 2009 at 8:12 pm #64378Quote:
don’t need that fancy ammo, when you can finish the birds into the decoys…
learn how to call better, and pay attention to what does and doesn’t work with decoy spreads, and you can spend 10 bucks on a box of shells, and not worry about it.
Most of the people on here are very helpful and I’m sure someone will jump in and actually give you a usefull answer.
jeez, people sure are sensitive….
but, a more serious reply for people then – yes, i like all of the non-tox loads, and they knock down the birds very effectively, but i’m cheap, and unwilling to spend the money on it. but, most of the places i hunt, we are shooting decoying birds, and at 25 yards, IMO you do not need to use Hevishot, or Bismuth.
now, for spring snows, i do shoot non-tox, if i can get a good price on it, and for goose hunting i will shoot non-tox if i get a good price on it. but, i do not worry about it when hunting decoying ducks. it is just over kill on the birds and my wallet, for no reason.
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