Migration Report 2009-2010

  • flatlandfowler
    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    As I am still relatively new here I am not sure on the procedure for Migration Reports. This is still early but why not get the game rolling.

    South Central Minnesota

    Geese – After a very disappointing early season with near zero numbers in the area we have had a bit of new movement. As of this afternoon we had our ‘opener movement’ to the refuge. This is usually common clacture, however, this year it seems pertinent to make note of as it is the first build up of any degree in the traditional areas. Additionally, there were new birds that moved into the area in the last few days. There have been birds slowly filtering into the Mankato Region; as far east as Rochester, and as far west as Worthington.

    Ducks – Bird numbers this year were relatively higher than the past few. However, it seems as though the cooler whether has evoked a bit of a build up. Still not positive on movements, however, birds in the last few days seem to be in larger groups and fewer distribution than average. Many reports of woodies and teal, as usual, but quantities of woodies seem to be down. Furthermore, big ducks seem to be almost non-existent as only few sightings and reports came back with Mallards, Gads, & Widgeons.

    Central North Dakota

    Geese- Reports coming back are average numbers of dark geese with similar results on lights.

    Ducks- Word is is that the reports on population numbers from the USFWS are true. Numbers of birds are higher than the last few years. Big ducks are very prevalent and should be a positive number in the books after all seasons are over. Birds are averaging a little better plumage than last year at this time.

    Central South Dakota

    Geese- Goose reports persist to have higher numbers than average on dark geese. Limits seem to be common clacture in this region as they did during early season. No reports back on any movement of new birds as most were congruent with patterned populations.

    Ducks- Similar results to the ND reports as far as the USFWS survey is concerned. Numbers seem to be up a bit from last year and big ducks are prevalent enough targets. Harvest limits here seem to be less occurring than goose limits, however, they are still a large part of reports.

    I hope this, and subsequent reports, helps you guys out and I hope to hear back some reports. Unlike other sites (whom don’t seem to have this kind of following) I truly hope to help work towards keeping track of an honest migration report.


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thanks for the excellent migration report flatlandfowler! We look forward to more updates!

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