Scouting mission

  • lars
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Went down to Winona/ MN City for a boat ride on Sat. and what a bismal it is down there. The only ducks I saw were woodies and not many to boot. Now granted we were there at 11 and drove around until 3, did some fishin’ along the way, but with the number of boats out driving as well I figured they would push some birds too. I talked to many other fisherman that said they’ve been seeing a lot of geese but not many ducks and my journey proved them right.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    i am seeing the same results its going to be an interesting first couple of weeks around here. i think the very low water levels has something to do with it. about 90% of the places i hunt are either completely dried up or there is about 30ft of shoreline between the cattails and water…

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    I haven’t seen a duck for weeks!

    But honestly, I’ve found birds to be in scattered pockets and moving. There are enough woodies to go around as always. I’m hoping this little front we’ve got coming through in the next couple days moves some more teal in.

    5 days!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I was down to the Verchota landing Saturday from about noon to 5p. Did some fishing but mostly scouting and giving the duck boat a good run. Saw plenty of woodies, and a few big flocks of blue wings. Also kicked up a few of the local mallards, dang few. But I still plan to get out there. Water level seemed low to me. Was that your impression as well there Lars?

    Posts: 539

    That’s not reassuring. This is my scouting report from up North.

    “Where are all the ducks????? I went scouting this weekend. Hitting all of my honey holes up north. In all the spots but one, I saw 1 lousy duck. These spots have never been questionable. I knew I could count on them to produce when all others would not. One thing I did notice is there is literally NO wild rice. One spot I frequent which usually has rice that is to thick to paddle through had 0. It’s was like a nuclear bomb went off on that body of water.

    I sure someone else is having better luck. All I hear are good breeding reports and I haven’t seen much to prove it.”

    Posts: 75

    I’ve been watching Grey Eagle/Upsala/Ward Springs area religiously. There are pockets of wood ducks and teal (dunno how many BWT will be left after tonight) but the Mallards are virtually non-existent. A bright spot: there was some new goose movement on Sun and Mon. For ducks at this point I would look west young man.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Lots and lots of cacklers moved into Roch the last couple of days. Saw them during the day and have been hearing them at night.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    there are plenty of birds around the metro. i’m heading out west this weekend though. hope its a good shoot, like usual.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    Tonight I had about 40 woodies, eating in the lot next door, when I walked out of the porch…. they all took off and flew 20 yards into the pond ??? to get away ??? On the drive back last weekend, most of the ducks and geese we seen, were about 100 miles NW of Winnipeg yet…. I would say they are on their way

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