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MN Youth Waterfowl Hunt
Posts: 75September 16, 2009 at 7:37 pm #213154For heaven’s sake, take a kid hunting in Minnesota this Saturday September 19. We need to get new blood into the system if we expect this fine tradition to continue.
Contrary to some belief, there isn’t as much hunting pressure as one would think. Better yet, pack up a kid, a shotgun, some decoys, and get out there to experience first hand what little pressure there is! Those hunters who blame their opening weekend woes on the Youth Waterfowl Hunt don’t know what they’re talking about. If anything, getting out there will give you a chance to see all the teal and woodducks that are usually long gone before the real season opens.
Posts: 9311September 16, 2009 at 8:16 pm #58615I’ll second that. Plus, you won’t see a bigger smile when the hunt is a success.
September 17, 2009 at 12:21 am #58696First I’ll say that I’m on the fence as far as the Youth Day hunt. If people are really serious about taking a kid hunting there’s a 60 day season with plenty of opportunities for our youth to get out there.
NOT bashing, just saying that this isn’t the “only” day!
September 17, 2009 at 1:19 am #58702i am border line also. but i believe it is more fun for the kids when they arent getting cut off, or have to wake up 4 hours before the season opens, just to get a spot. you can let the birds work, and have a relaxed more enjoyable hunt. now…. if they could just shoot their 6 birds and be done that would be great. but just as i did when i was that age, alot of birds do get educated, and not shot
September 17, 2009 at 11:39 am #58759why do we need a “special day” for the kids to hunt? can’t parents, and mentors take these kids out during the regular season, or would they be too apt to pull the trigger themselves and not let the kid hunt?
Youth waterfowl day is a mistake by the DNR, just like allowing hunting over water for early goose. they try to help, and all they ever do, is hurt the resource.
I didn’t learn to hunt that way, I learned in October and November but, this is Generation Y where everyone needs a trophy or a special day.
September 17, 2009 at 1:05 pm #58783Perch you are entitled to your opinion but I think your a little harsh. Youth day is a great thing for several reasons. Number one is the weather is usually warmer and for kids who have never hunted befor and you want to retain them as future waterfowlers,spoiling them is what it might take to keep their interest. And it is a lot less distracting for a mentor to be with them concentrating on the kids every move,if the mentor does not have a shotgun with them. Please try to see it through a kids eyes that does not have a Mom or Dad that hunts.
Posts: 75September 17, 2009 at 2:20 pm #58814One of the most difficult aspects of waterfowl hunting is the equipment requirements, especially if you are just starting out. If you can lessen the requirements by providing a “special day” with better weather and less pressure I’m all for it. What parent wants to drop a couple hundred dollars on equipment for a child who may/may not stay in the sport?
I used to be against this “special day” as well until I realized during early goose hunting what little pressure there actually is. Has anyone seen the estimates on participation?
September 17, 2009 at 3:37 pm #58830I am for the youth hunt. Takes the pressure of both the mentor and the kid. By the way if your spot is anything like the spots I used to hunt, you are not decoy birds on opening weekend anyway. Just my $.02
September 17, 2009 at 4:05 pm #58839Great photos!
I grew up on a farm and my mom and dad were divorced. In the fall I would down to a little creek and watch the ducks come in. I would lob BBs at them just hoping to hit one in the head.
A neighbor hinted to take me out some day but it never happened probably because he had already made plans for opening day. I believe in a youth hunt.
It keeps the focus on the kids. It’s not easy to shoot a duck as a kid and this way they have the best opportunity to shoot at ducks which haven’t been pressured.
Posts: 44September 17, 2009 at 6:12 pm #58867Thought you waterfowlers might enjoy the smile on my nephew from our Kansas dove hunt this Labor Day weekend. It’s hard to see, but the dove he is holding is banded.
September 17, 2009 at 6:33 pm #58870I am totally for youth day. I am 19 now but back in the day i loved it. It was the only day when i didnt have to worry about not being cut off by the more experienced hunters in our group, and as far as the “spoiling” goes i think i limited out once in the 4 years that i went out. That taught me that you dont always get to shoot but it made me enjoy just being able to go out. Youth day is one of the reasons that i fell in love with hunting.
Posts: 75September 17, 2009 at 7:03 pm #58873Excellent. Not only did he bag a bird, the bird was banded. I bet he will never take to the field without it as long as he’s in the sport!
Based on some older data I found from the MN DNR:
“Based on the percentages provided by [an opinion survey], it is estimated that 23,450 youths participated in the youth waterfowl hunt in 2005. On average,
2.72 ducks and 0.54 geese were harvested by each mentored group of youths [based on an average of 1.56 youths per group].”That computes to 15,032 groups of mentored hunters with a harvest of around 40,887 ducks and 8,117 geese. I think that’s a good number of birds but hardly a drop in the bucket compared to opening day of the normal season.
The amount of youth hunters in the field on Saturday will be less than 25% of the total hunters (100,000) that are estimated to take to the field at any time during the normal waterfowl hunting season.
I think the impact is not as large as most of us may think.
September 18, 2009 at 4:52 pm #58991I hope every kid goes out and shoots through 2 boxes of shells this weekend!
Have fun and keep blastin away!
September 18, 2009 at 8:33 pm #59018Quote:
Based on some older data I found from the MN DNR:
“Based on the percentages provided by [an opinion survey], it is estimated that 23,450 youths participated in the youth waterfowl hunt in 2005. On average,
2.72 ducks and 0.54 geese were harvested by each mentored group of youths [based on an average of 1.56 youths per group].”That computes to 15,032 groups of mentored hunters with a harvest of around 40,887 ducks and 8,117 geese. I think that’s a good number of birds but hardly a drop in the bucket compared to opening day of the normal season.
The amount of youth hunters in the field on Saturday will be less than 25% of the total hunters (100,000) that are estimated to take to the field at any time during the normal waterfowl hunting season.
I think the impact is not as large as most of us may think.
And why do you think that is?
It is because they take the kids out for that ONE day and that’s probally it. That’s why I’m on the fence about the season. If people really want them to get into the game it takes more than ONE day to do so. I don’t want people to defend the YWD, maybe/maybe not take a kid out that day and then not take a kid out the rest of the season, that’s hippocritical.
We took my buddy’s little bro out one year and he shot out 2 boxes of shells, but it didn’t stop there as we had him out atleast 5 more times that year. Does he hunt now? Yes, but very little because he doesn’t have the equipment and/or time, but when we go he always gets an invite.
September 19, 2009 at 4:32 am #59075i really people should just quit complaining. its selfish. “i dont want to kids to shoot the ducks so i can have them opening day.” i take kids out every year, and i dont ever have a problem shooting ducks. i will sacrifice a few teal and wood ducks, just to see some kids shoot their first ones. i really cant believe that people get this worked up over it. if it wasnt for the youth hunt, i wouldnt have gotten into duck hunting at all. besides, its hardly even fun the first 2-3 weeks of season with all of the morons that just hunt when the weather is nice. i will take 15 degrees with a 20mph nw wind anyday rather than shooting the local tealys and woodies in my t shirt, while swatting mosquitos, sweating my
Posts: 75September 21, 2009 at 3:15 pm #59280Well, we didn’t shoot boxes upon boxes of shells, nor did we school the massive amount of ducks that others seem to think. My two paduan learners shot 3 times and bagged two ducks. That’s all. But, to them, it was probably the best day ever.
While I am quite sure my son will hunt with me until I’m too old to get in the boat, I brought one of his friends into the sport who can team up with my son on the days that I can’t.
We heard one other volley of 3 shots the entire morning in the area. I doubt the young man/woman who fired those shots schooled very many birds either.
September 21, 2009 at 9:27 pm #59348Awesome story and picture!
Congrats to the youth hunters. I’m sure it’s a day that will be etched in their memory for many years.
September 22, 2009 at 3:32 am #59449I’m hoping these young guns will grow to love the sport as much as I do.
WOW…..I can’t believe you guys are crying about a few kids getting out and shooting at a few ducks. You guys need to find a young gun and get them out there. Great way to do some early season scouting. You’ll never know how much fun they have until you try it. You’ll also never know how hard it is until you try it. I’ve been lucky enough to take my son, nephew and a good friend of mines (Died from cancer a few years ago) son the last three years. My brother doesn’t have time to hunt much, and Chandlers dad is no longer with us. What are Chandlers chances of ever getting into the sport.(I guess that would be good for a few of you, he might peddle his bike 5 miles to the slue with a bag a decoys and his gun strapped over his back to get your spot) We spend the weekend before the youth hunt getting out and building blinds. then we get up at 5 am and walk into our spot. The young men have a blast and they are all welcome to come with during the regular season. These two days are far from the end of the world as a few of you make it out to be……Sorry for the rant but a I’m disappointed in what I’ve read in this post from fellow waterfowlers who love the sport like I do.
September 22, 2009 at 6:37 pm #59614Maybe we should get rid of the youth deer hunts also….Nolan doesn’t look very excited about his deer.
Nolan passed up many doe and cashed in on this Dandy buck on the last day of the youth season Sunday night……Way to go Nolan!!!!
Posts: 75
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