Ok who is going out this weekend?

  • Andy88
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 38

    Ok since it is early goose this weekend i am wondering who is going out? I have already got to go since i am in NoDak but i wanna know if anyone has a hot spot that would make for a good story? O yeah its only 24 days till duck opener out here… good luck to all

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    I will hunt the metro this week end then head up towards Fargo on monday to hit a few honey holes up there, uncles got a couple flooded wheat feilds, 1 harvested this year and 1 feild that is now a lake that was harvested last year. should be a couple great shoots! Cant wait!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I am in

    Posts: 539

    I will be north of the cities this weekend. Hopefully coming back to Rochester with a full possession limit.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    I won’t be out until next Friday when I go down by Rochester with Run-n-Gun Outfitters!

    Good luck this weekend for those going out!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Good Luck for anyone hunting down here in Roch. We’ve had birds in 3 fields we have permission on and now we haven’t even seen ANY birds in the air or on any fields.

    Has anyone seen birds flying around down here?

    Posts: 539


    Good Luck for anyone hunting down here in Roch. We’ve had birds in 3 fields we have permission on and now we haven’t even seen ANY birds in the air or on any fields.

    Has anyone seen birds flying around down here?

    PM sent

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273


    Good Luck for anyone hunting down here in Roch. We’ve had birds in 3 fields we have permission on and now we haven’t even seen ANY birds in the air or on any fields.

    Has anyone seen birds flying around down here?

    I have one field that has been very sporatic, They were there yesterday but not today. Hopefully we can get them in the morning.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    I’m going out. Early season is always hit or miss for us.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 88

    Dad just got back..I had to go to football practice, so he got out for a few hours this evening..shot 2..and said he had a flock of about 40 come in 10 minutes after closing time.

    Posts: 543

    Good shootin’. 2 by yourself is better than nothing. Anybody else do any good?

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