goose decoys

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    If you are looking for reliability I would go with a EFI. Start ups are faster and you’ll get better fuel mileage. You’re going to get a lot of opinions here. Myself I would see which motor I can get the best price on. I’d take my time shopping and see where I can get the best deal with the best customer service. Also look at the warranty. A longer waranty is worth a lot to me. All the companies you listed make great motors. It’s tough to stay in business these days if your not producing a product that is as good as the competition.

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    dad put a new 60 yamamaha 2 stroke on a year or 2 back i haven’t heard him complain yet but he is always saying how it seams like he never has to fill the oil

    Posts: 12

    we are really seeing alot of guys repower with the new Etec at our dealership. It is a great motor with awesome feautures like the Do it yourself storage. No scheduled maintenance for 3 yrs or 300 hours. I would not blink an eye at putting a new Etec on in place of the Yamaha. You could also go with a 75 horse Etec.


    Posts: 1564

    How about a set of canoe paddles???? No gas, no oil and never an issue starting in cold weather–plus, you could use them to club every muskie that comes by since all they do is eat up my big bluegills and walleyes. Seems I have a set at home, I’ll swing you a good deal and even magic marker on it EFI and 70HP with my trusty ole sharpy.


    Posts: 41

    Thanks Doc. BUT That might be a good idea. and well with yourover casting a muskie lure all day–I’ll just have YOU row row row the boat. That should help build some muscle so by next year you can handle a little casting.

    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    I second the Evinrude E-TEC. We have been putting them on boats since they first came out in 2004. I have guys that fish year round when they can find open water with no problems. They start in our wonderful frigid temperatures. Use XD100 Extreme oil for best results. The engine holds about 50 hours of run time with a oil fill. No oil changes, no scheduled maintenance for 3 years or 300 hours. And they have a promotion on now for a free gas card up to $500, five year factory backed warranty and financing is also available. Please talk to a dealer on details. If your boat is rated for 70 HP, then you could only go up to a 60 HP E-TEC.

    Posts: 39

    I would suggest the Suzuki 70 4 stroke. I have one and it is a dream to operate. With the EFI there is never any concern of starting, simply turn the key and it starts. It is super quiet. It is much quieter than my uncle’s Honda 4stroke. The reason that I went with Suzuki is that the actual physical size of the motor is much smaller than Honda or Yamaha. A Honda or Yamaha of the same or similiar displacement is much larger and in my opinion look kind of odd hangin off the back of some boats. A Friend has a 90 Suzuki 4Stroke and he loves it. I know that you would not be dissapointed with the Suzuki. I can’t speak for the Etech — don’t know anyone who has one.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I agree 100% with Ben saying go EFI. I guess I’d be leaning towards Suzuki off the top of my head, always heard good things about them.

    durand WI
    Posts: 316

    Looking to buy some used goose decoys.

    Almost North of 8
    Posts: 148

    Field or floaters?

    durand WI
    Posts: 316

    Field mostly but will take some floaters.

    Posts: 5

    I have 8 big foots that i would sell for 150. Feeders and lookers

    durand WI
    Posts: 316

    How new are they and do they have the velvet heads.

    Posts: 5

    new last year. look brand new. yes felt heads.

    Posts: 5

    you have a PM

    Posts: 543

    I have some decoys for sale as well. Let me know if you are interested.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I hunt down by Austin fairly regularily and I have plenty of decoys if you ever wanted to join up for a hunt. PM me sometime.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    i have a few ghg lookers ide like to get rid of

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