Last week of Snows….

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    We had a great final weekend chasing the white birds.

    We ended up having to hop the border into ND in order to find concentrations of birds, but once we crossed the state line they were pretty thick. Don’t have any special details from the trip……just same old same old……scout, set, pound

    The water was crazy nuts. The motel we stayed at Friday night was evacuated Sunday because of the rising James River. Kind of sureal with all the emergency crews and water everywhere. Roads were horrible……many of them were closed. Should be an outstanding year for duck production though!!!

    We ended the spring with just under 450 birds and 3 bands!

    Saturday 80 birds

    Sunday we devoted to scouting….which resulted in a great shoot Monday morning with 75 birds down…..with sun and no wind this day, it could have been ridiculous with some help from the weather.

    Tuesday morning we hunted a rogue juvie flock for a quick finish before we had to come home. The roost of 2000 birds ended up coming in 2 big bunches….makes for an awesome sight, but it’s over in a hurry. Ended with a quick 25 by 8:15.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    These two Rossies bombed down to 10 yds Monday…..Bang, Bang….Booth banded! Only 29 numbers apart. Amazing how these birds can stay together.

    “Does the trailer look like it’s riding a little funny?”

    On second thought, maybe climbing to the top of that telephone pole wasn’t such a great idea

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congratulations Jake on your last week of Snows! It looks you did your homework and earned them!

    Pretty amazing to shoot two banded snows with just a few numbers apart. Never knew they would stay together like that.

    Great job this year and we look forward to more of your waterfowl reports!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nice write up and congrrats on tyour last hunt of the year!

    Love the pics!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    Thanks for documenting your season Jake Helps a guy out that doesn’t go Great year

    Posts: 324

    well i dont think thats nothing to complian about. looks like you guys had a blast.congates on the bands also.

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