Overall it was a great year in my opinion. I met 3 new hunting buddies and had good hunts with them all from Wisconsin. We had some good hunts we had some bad hunts but still the bad hunts are good hunts when you are in good company. Here are a few pics from this fall in Wisconsin these are the better hunts. I hunted by myself also but to me it isn’t as much fun hunting by yourself when you can hunt with good buddies.
Early season goose with QW and Duck Magnet in my wheat field.

Quacker Wacker, WI Sportsman, and myself with a few birds from a weekend hunt on Quacker wackers field.

Another weekend hunt in Quacker Wackers Field. This day Schultzee also was with us.

Another hunt with Quacker Wacker, WI sportsman, and myself in my field.

Our sea duck hunt on Lake Michigan. Duck Magnet, QW, and myself once again.

Finally yesterdays hunt. Again it was QW, WI sportsman, altrocker1, and myself in my corn field.