Great way to end the year

  • kris_brantner
    My river
    Posts: 1678

    hunted today and ended up with a 3 guy limit of ducks and geese. 2 of the honkers had jewelery! i cant think of a much better way to end it. the whole day there were thousands of flocks of commons and goldeneye flying down the river headen on out of here. untill next year!

    o btw, i was cleaning some of the ducks we shot, and i always check to see what they were feeding on. since we didnt shoot most of them untill 10 or so, i figured they would be full of corn. they were full of shad!!! has anyone even seen this? here is just one of the ducks and all of the shad i pulled out of her. yuck!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I thought they only ate Cheetos!

    Actually, what better high protien food is there for a long flight South???

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Very interesting find Kris
    Great pictures too
    You should have some nice momeroies to carry you through

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Awesome hunt dude!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Nice Kris. But Shad? Ish.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    We got “aced out” of our last hoorahh. Found a stream holding a pile of mallards, got permission from the farmer…..things looked VERY promising…..only to get a call later in the night saying the actual land owner gave permission to some other guys for Sunday the day before we had asked. Talk about a bummer of a way to end the season .

    Spent yesterday storing the boat and putting away decoys. This season was rough on my gear!!!

    On water
    Posts: 663

    Ducks (i.e. mallards) eat anything they can under the right circumstances, and in this instance, SHAD. It does not faze me one bit that you saw some shad in their crops – your photos prove it. That is pretty neat to see. Shad are probably one of most abundant and highest biomass fish in the river. Why fly several miles for corn when you can sit in one spot and binge on fish. To be honest, I absolutely love gizzard shad. A) Good bait and B) they are my job security C) ducks will eat em – which happens more often than most people realize.

    I ate goldeneye and common merganser wild rice soup last night…they were from the last 2 days of the season as well. There were not too many guys running a boat/breaking ice Sunday morning…. although it was also 0 degrees…it was good.

    I have to admit, pretty neat photo!

    Here is one from the last week:

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