I made a quick trip out this morning right after I got off work at 6:30. It was a little chilly on the fingers and face for a change
Anyway, to the frustration part. I just cannot get ducks to decoy I have around a dozen mallard dekes out usually and put them in a semi-circle while leaving a place to land into the wind open. For the life of me, they fly right over me or off to the side just out of range.
The other thing is if I call, it sounds like somebody stepped on one of those yellow rubber bath duckies
I practice but it always sounds like crap.
So add those two issues together, and I may as well just be a long distance duck watcher. I see the same birds work other people’s decoys, just not mine.
I REALLY need someone to physically show me how to properly set-up and also listen to otherscall real ducks in, not some tape recorded how-to tape.
As many ducks that I had close enough to call and see the decoys this morning, I should of had at least one duck this morning.
Oh, I did pass on a hen mallard that somehow landed about 10 yards from the boat and I didn’t see until she got up and flew
November 7, 2008 at 5:51 pm