Why not affix some sort of wedge to the back of the skis with a hinge. When going forward they will “float”, but when the sled slides backwards they dig in.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Waterfowl Hunting – Ducks & Geese » Reports..
December 12, 2007 at 9:01 pm #632703
Thanks Dan, that’s what I was thinking but I knew I wouldn’t have been able to explain it as well as you did.
October 22, 2008 at 5:35 pm #213074ok fellas since i am not allowed to go out duck hunting this year since i broke my back in june:(. So i need your help to help feed my craving for some duck hunting. So if you could please give me some stories or some pictures i would really apperciate it.
October 22, 2008 at 6:09 pm #40766I can help ya out Andy. I had planned a trip to Saskatchewan this year again, only to have it cancelled a month ago due to the fact the guy I go with could not get out of work. I was bummed.
Last year when we were up there we had met a couple of guys from the state of Virginia and were planning on hunting with them this year. Anyway, on Friday the 10th of Oct, I got a call from one of the guys and they were driving through Madison enroute to Sask. To make a long story short, in conversation, they said “Why don’t you drive up and just hunt with us”. So, after a call, to the wife, and a talk with my boss….I was set to do the 15 hour drive to Sask.
I left Sunday a.m. at 4:30 and arrived in Humboldt, SK at 8:30 that night…ugh. Had to drive through the snow storm that hit out in Montana. Apparently it turned north.
Anyway, needless to say, it was great hunting. We hunted snow’s for the most part, but there were HUGE flocks of cacklers around and picked a few of those off. Ducks were good too. The best part of hunting up in that area is the farmers. They are the coolest people you will ever meet, and they HATE ducks and geese.The one guy said “shoot your limit, and keep on shooting” Apparently the year before the geese took out a whole 1/4 section of his. We thinned them out a bit. Although, I will say, the ‘ol theory of “find the x” and set up in the field they were the night before….throw that out the window.
EVERY day we had permission to hunt the field that they were in the night before and not one time did they come back. They were always the next section over, 1/2 mile away etc etc.
There were enough birds around that we always had some come in, but not the big ol funnel cloud of birds that happens from time to time.
Was an awesome trip, other than the drive. I left there on Friday at noon and got home at 3:30 a.m on Sat. By the time I hit St. Clould I was seeing all sorts of things on the road…chickens, people, cows, aliens….your mind does funny things.Here is a pic of one of the mornings….
Hope this helps a little and hopefully you’ll make it out next year!!!
October 23, 2008 at 3:28 pm #40838Hey Andy,
Ya haven’t been missing too much down here. I don’t even have any decent pictures to send ya. We got a couple this morning, but it wasn’t anything mind blowing.
The water is so low that the spot we hunted in the snow last year is almost completely dry, just a couple beaver runs out in the middle.
Hopefully we’ll see ya tomorrow as we’re loading up the truck. We can catch up!
October 23, 2008 at 6:32 pm #40871yeah hopefully i can make it. do you know what time you are loading up the truck? I heard opener was kinda a bust but i still think it would have been cool to go out in the swamp. well hopefully we can catch up tommorow.
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