Prior to last wednesday my season was all but a bust. But Wednesday threw today was like getting a fresh start. On Tuesday last week I recieved a call stating. “Get your [censored] in the truck and Scout the area between Hasty and Clear Water.” I have a close knit group that hunts together and they had found some birds. 
Being that it was a holiday week I took a flyer and closed my office down Wednesday threw this AM. What we found were big flocks of divers, a few Mallards and enough geese to make a guy giggle. “Yep Giggle.” Over the last few days we hit 3 lakes and the only thing we shot were divers and Geese. The whole Big Rig and trott lines is somthing somwhat foriegn to me. But boy did I settle in and enjoy the hell out of it. (Sorry Drake I still prefer my Green heads.) But man is that a good time when your set up for it.
Here’s the total.
Wed: 3 man limit of Geese and divers.
Thursday: Short hunt 2 Geese 5 Divers.
Friday: Full 2 Man limit of Divers and 2 Geese.
Sat: Game feed and additional Scouting.
Sunday: Hit the well one to many times. But we still shot a few.
Today: Two man limit of geese handful of divers.
The one thing I noticed were all of the Cans. At one point we had 10 dancing in our deke’s. Even though we couldn’t shoot any it was very nice to see the numbers making there way through.
All in all a great way to end the season. I know there are alot of guys who hate the late start. But I for one love it. Looks like I may need need to get set up for big water should the situation arise again.
Then again I bet there’s a few guys willing to pull there rigs if a guy really needs.