Over the last couple of seasons I have had the great fortune of learning some of the IDO members favorite recipes to prepare waterfowl. As many of you may know, ill prepared waterfowl can leave you at the dinner table as your family retreats to the nearest cereal cabinet in search of an alternate meal for themselves. With the help of you guys, maybe we can create a “recipe book” of sorts to help some of the novice chefs like myself prepare a meal for their family and warrant the need to spend more time in the field.
I don’t want to take credit away from the originators of my favorite IDO recipes so I thought I would call them out in hopes they would share.
1. Buckshot/Brat – Slow cooked BBQ recipe.
2. Shoot’n Release – Duck/goose (any game) poppers
3. Tim D – Wine sauce Marinade
Let’s hear your favorites or even methods to properly clean your fowl.