Till the honkers are folding up boys where is all the chit chat!?!
August 5, 2008 at 4:05 pm
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Waterfowl Hunting – Ducks & Geese » one month
Till the honkers are folding up boys where is all the chit chat!?!
I can’t wait myself…..I’m relatively new to waterfowl hunting – this being my 3rd year, but I’m hooked for sure.
Not sure the wife likes that I picked up “another” thing to hunt though…
Not much to chit chat about. Too hot for the new families to get into the barley fields.
Till the honkers are folding up boys where is all the chit chat!?!
I’m with ya Erick
I’ve never started up the migration post until mid September, but we might be a little earlier this year
Chriss, Mallard, slayer, kris, Jake, Moss, chappy, Cougar, Conk, Bobber, etc.
It is almost time for our sounding board
i am ready! im also looking forward to not putting hundreds of dollars of gas into the boat each week. i know a few of you guys hear that!
was out last night scouting for deer/geese and had a picked pea field next to the state park with around 75 or so birds on it! I will be missing opening weekend this year though due to my sisters wedding! It is well worth it though gotta keep her happy because she actually moved the date back a week in planning because I anticipated a sept. 1st opener for some reason.
Hey guys! Iowa just posted the tenitive dates for our seasons yesterday. Our Urban goose hunt is the 1st of sep thru the 15th. It looks to be very promising.
What I am hoping is to get some migration info from you folks up north. The flyway that I hunt is nearly strait south of Albertlee about 95 mi. Have you all had any Canvas Backs staying local this year?
From what I see in the paper it does not look like anyone will be taking any cans in MN this year.
OH NO!!!!! I am really hoping to get one this year I have never taken one. Last year we had nearly every species come thru and the one weekend I could go out all the Can’s seemed to come thru. I hope that this year will be better. Momma said I could hunt more now that she isn’t prego.
I am still working on her to see if my little duck budy can come out and hunt too. She is great with the duck call.
Till the honkers are folding up boys where is all the chit chat!?!
I’m with ya Erick
I’ve never started up the migration post until mid September, but we might be a little earlier this year
Chriss, Mallard, slayer, kris, Jake, Moss, chappy, Cougar, Conk, Bobber, etc.
It is almost time for our sounding board
I was wondering when the rif raf would start showing up. I’ve been doing a little scouting out my way already. so start some chats when your ready. Still a little early for a migration report but maybe an early season thread.
Welcome back boys!
BTW…. it looks like we’ve added a few good men to this group for 09. I want to be the first to welcome everyone. Slough Slapper and I have already bounced a couple PM’s back and forth. He may just give Jake, Drake, and Jason a run for there money.
My question is this: When is jake going to be done with school? That kid needs a real job. (Just jealous Jake.)
I’m ready. Heading up to game fair tomorrow. That really gets you pumped up!!
I thought he (Jake) finished two springs ago and had a real job…
Welcome back everyone, it’s just a matter of time now. I am seeing a few families out stretching thier wings. The sweet corn pickers are out in full force, straw is being bailed, and the pea fields are harvested.
Pre-Season Checklist:
1. Repack wheel bearings.
2. Check and most likely re-wire trailer lights.
3. Glue and screw the full bodies heads and feet.
4. Clean, organize, and load up.
5. Last, but certainly not least, kiss the wife and get on her good graces for the last few remaining weeks of the off season.
I thought he (Jake) finished two springs ago and had a real job…
Well…….. Maybe we need to find him a wife then.
That is hilarious!!!!
The sweet corn is starting to come out around here as well. I spent a few minutes looking at the water near these fields on the way into the office. Things are looking good.
Our grain should be out the last week in Aug or the first week in sept. That should be just in time for these birds to need some new chow.
Boat is almost all tuned up, and the geese are out in force. If any of you northern folk are up for a drive the Urban goose hunt in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids/Iowa City starts on the 1st of Sep and goes to the 15th. The skies are sure to rain geese!
Overall it looks like the hatch in central MN is much improved over last year. There should be a lot more young birds in the flocks. Last year was difficult in the area with the terrible hatch that caused a larger than normal proportion of adults in the skies.
It might be tough finding the chopped corn as the seeds went in the ground a couple weeks later than usual. Might have to settle for lying in some less desirable grains.
I’m looking forward to this early season much more than the past few.
It might be tough finding the chopped corn as the seeds went in the ground a couple weeks later than usual. Might have to settle for lying in some less desirable grains.
I’m looking forward to this early season much more than the past few.
I agree, but with the dry summer we should see beans coming out a bit early. Lets hope for soggy conditions once the farmers get stuff pulled.
I thought he (Jake) finished two springs ago and had a real job…
Well…….. Maybe we need to find him a wife then.
HA! You guys are funny.
Been workin hard for the last couple months….puttin in plenty of overtime….stockin up on a BUNCH of vacation time. Should have no problem gettin out as much as I ever have . And now that I live only a stones throw away from the river (literally, the train is in my front yard), I can’t wait for the season to get here…..watching new birds pour down the river from my living room window, SWEET.
and on an even sweeter note…..I’m pickin up my new Pro-drive tomorrow!!!
I thought he (Jake) finished two springs ago and had a real job…
Well…….. Maybe we need to find him a wife then.
HA! You guys are funny.
Been workin hard for the last couple months….puttin in plenty of overtime….stockin up on a BUNCH of vacation time. Should have no problem gettin out as much as I ever have
. And now that I live only a stones throw away from the river (literally, the train is in my front yard), I can’t wait for the season to get here…..watching new birds pour down the river from my living room window, SWEET.
and on an even sweeter note…..I’m pickin up my new Pro-drive tomorrow!!!
Yep….. Time for a Wife. I’m already looking forward to your posts Jake.
Fountain City.
Picked up the new pro-drive last night……sure looks like fun. I’m gettin the transom of the boat reinforced tomorrow (better safe than sorry), then it’s time for some fun.
Think these guys will be ready to go in 5 weeks??? (picture taken Sundy August 17).
i seen some like that last weekend when i was in pdc. looked like they hatched a week ago. better late than never i guess
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