The Spring Return Migration

  • adamgdunn
    Posts: 152

    Hey guys! It has been awhile since I have had anything to post, but is it all changing! About a week or so ago I began to really notice that the return migration hit full swing. I can honestly say that I have never seen such a return! Buffalo heads, Blue bills, Mallards, Teal, Widgeons, Shovel heads, and Black Ducks by the hundreds! I wa so excited that I got the boat out and went for a ride out to where I hunt. There too I was rewarded with many species all in the same area, and nesting! If this return is any indication of what early season is going to be like the summer can’t get over fast enough!!! I know I will eat those words next January but for now I am itching to get back in the boat at 2 am and watch the sun come up over my spread.
    What is the migration looking like in your neck of the woods? If we all start to pattern now maybe we can help each other really have a great season this fall.
    Good luck all and be safe this summer!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Not a duck guy at all but driving by the local lake I saw two ducks that were not the normal mallards we usually see. I pulled the car over and my wife my daughter and I watched them for quite some time. When I got home I looked them up in my very dated identification guide and the best I can tell they were a male and female Merganser. Very cool to look at. I wish I had a camera. Are these common in the MN area?

    Posts: 9313

    Yes they are very common.

    Posts: 75


    Yes they are very common.

    I think they would be much less common if they didn’t taste like fish.

    I learned my lesson years ago to identify your duck before shooting. My father also never waivered from his stance that You eat what you shoot.

    I haven’t shot a Merganser since 1980…..

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