Dylan, you ever thought about reloading your own shells? I used to shoot alot when I had my dogs and we’ed burn through the shells. Early on I realized it was much cheaper to reload my casings and get better and more powerful shells too. I used to reload boxes of 1 1/2 oz. loads for just over $4 a box, with the supplies to reload them now they are probably around $6.00 a box. These were some kick a– loads too and after I got the recepie for the loads out of the reload book I rarely lost birds. The knock down power was a whole lot better too on any shot, 40 an 50 yrd pheasants and they were dead befor they hit the ground if I didn’t wing them. If I rememebr right they were around 1,400 fps., I used to shoot trap then too and they were just 40′ a second slower then my 700x 7/8 oz trap loads. With a full choke they would really reach out and touch the birds and when leading the bird all you had to do was sight in on the beak, follow smoothly then pull the trigger and they were down, they would just fold. I know all the supplies are still reasonable. I used to buy a pound of HS7 powder for around $10.00, a bag of double A red wads for the same. A box of fiocci primers for $2.50 and a 25 pound sack of no. 4 shot for $20. At that time around 8 years ago I was making $12.00 a box loads for Around $4.00 a box and they had the same dram equivelant as a 3″ nitro mag and these were 2 3/4″ casings. These shells were very nice loads and we didn’t have to worry about the price eigther when reloading.