Rochester Goose Hunt 12-3-07

  • timdomaille
    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Well!!! The snow here! The weather is finally cold and the grass is covered! The geese have been responding quite well and things are really looking up for the last week of the regular season and the late season should be a great one. The forcast is for more snow and continued cold temps.

    Today’s hunt was a good one. The birds worked right in and came to there demise. In the first flock, there were seven coming right into the pocket and the first two were landing. Mike gave the signal to shoot and the guys shot 6 out of 7! After the first flock, the birds were slower to come out but we ended up shooting a limit for 5 with 10 on the ground.

    There are a ton of geese in town right now and I really do not think you could fit another goose on Silver Lake! We had birds leave and a lot of new birds migrate in. That means new birds for the taking.

    Good hunting!


    Posts: 15

    Yeah the goose hunting is great right now. We have been stacking em up here at school. The last three times out accounted for 42 dead geese. 10 one morning, 12 the next, and then we decided we wanted to take ten guys out to shoot 20 birds and it took us all of an hour in the fresh snow. I wish we had a late season five bag limit like Minnesota.. What does an out of state license cost there and when does the late season start/end??

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    I think the non resident small game license is around $85 and I would assume you would have to have the late goose stamp along with state and federal stamps with it.

    Saturday we get to bang 5….

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Non-resident $85.00
    State stamp $7.50
    Fall goose permit $4.00

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    You probably want the Federal Waterfowl stamp too.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I was assuming he already had that from the state he hunts.

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