11/27/07 goose hunt

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Couple of pics of my two buddies from yesterdays goose hunt. We hit the field at 1:00 pm hoping to get one last day of some ducks. Not only did we not shoot a duck, we didn’t even see one until after leagal shooting was over. We did manage to shoot 4 geese in one flight, and probably should at least shot at some others that were questionable. Not a bad day for three guys. Cold afternoon when the sun went behind the clouds. But a great day. For the bigger guy in the pictures, this was his first field hunt. He had a blast. Even though he forgot to take his safety off for these four that came in. I ended up with a triple on that pass.

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200

    Good job guys. I also went hunting on tuesday hoping to get one last crack at some greenheads. But we only had a flock of four come in and of course i missed. Later in the night we had geese working us but they just didnt want to come in. O well we still have time for those canadas. Good luck.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Great job Prieser! I wish the ducks would stay and the season would have not ended.

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