End to a great Duck Huntin Season

  • jcthorson
    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200

    In the last 4 years of duck hunting this is the most ducks we have harvested and that most that i have ever seen since i started. Between me and my uncle we harvested a total of 105 ducks this year. I believe it was 42 wood ducks 46 mallards 11 teal 3 pintail and 3 shovelers.

    1st pic: Our opening day hunting consisting of 3 people with a ending result of a wood duck limit a goose and my first mallard.

    2nd pic: Me with my uncles and mines 3 woodies and 5 mallards.

    3rd pic: 2 woodies and a blue wing teal.

    4th pic: Our 2nd day of duck hunting with a pile of mallards a woodie and my first northern shovler. I also shot another nice hen northern shovler that day that i have in the freezer that is not pictured.

    5th pic: A nice line of greenheads.

    6th pic: A mix bag of mallards teal and a shoveler.

    7th pic: A nice pair of green heads i shot after school one day. The biggest one is in my freezer to get mounted.

    8th pic: Another nice mallard that is also in my freezer to get mounted because it had 3 nice curls on it.

    9th pic: A nice line of another mixed bag of ducks.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 62

    Great pics and great year! What part of the state did you hunt in?

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    nothin like some great pics of some green heads.

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200

    SE part near Austin.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Sounds like you had a great season JC! Congrats!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Nice pictures. Like the greenhaeds!

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