I have been out so many time in the past season and a half and all I had to show for it was 3 ducks
I decided that I was going to head over to the Mississippi river yesterday morning and try hunting over there. It turned out to be a great Idea.
We set up in a blind and prayed for the next 20 min that the people that built the blind did not come and kick us out. They did not 10 min before shooting time we could hear ducks flying every place. Then we had two birds land in our Decoys on my side of the blind. It was now shooting time and I decided I would jump the birds and shoot. I did that and I dumped the first bird and the was distracted by the 10 others that had landed that we did not see or hear hit the water.
As I am reloading we had a single come in and after my brother shot two times I had to back him up So I quickly decided to go out and grab the two birds. I for some reason did not bring my gun with me and when I went to grab that 2nd bird it got up and flew away
On my way back to the blind we had a single work in and my brother dumped it. Then we had a 30 min window in which we watched 100’s of birds flying really high. Then we had a pair circle two times and drop into the decoys and we killed both of them. That was followed by another single and a few missed shots
Around 10:15 we had a good group of birds working us, the circled 8 times and finally came into the wind and cupped their wings and we took three out of that group.
We had a chance to finish out our limit but we missed a group of teal that came in with the wind and were moving about 115 MPH
This was my best duck hunt ever. Now I know what it is like to not be frustrated about going a whole week with out a shot. We ended up with 4 Mallards, 2 Pintails, and 2 shovelers. My brother got the Drake Pintail, but he also got the two shovlers.