IDA Rochester Goose hunt #2

  • mallard_militia
    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    I plan on it yes. If I am allowed, being the new guy on the hunt. might just be me also, so I am sure I will be down there no matter what unless something happens in the next 2 days.

    Bronco. You should bring your wife. She would enjoy it too.

    We will do the Friday night GTG at my place again! Sounds like we will be having a good turnout. We’ll solidify the plans later for Friday night.

    This past week I have been focused on getting my work done so I can leave early tomorrow to chase bucks near Park Rapids until Wednesday and then cruise over to North Dakota to finish the week up with some waterfowl. I haven’t been around the computer much this week and I will be gone all next week so I may be delayed on any PM’s.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    BBQ at Jason’s and Mandy’s!!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    BBQ at Jason’s and Mandy’s!!!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    That sounds like a plan. what time to get down there on Friday? if I bring her would like to have some target practice some where, as she has not shot for a while.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    That sounds like a plan. what time to get down there on Friday? if I bring her would like to have some target practice some where, as she has not shot for a while.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I don’t have to work that friday and just so happen to have a case or two of clays drying up in the garage.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I don’t have to work that friday and just so happen to have a case or two of clays drying up in the garage.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    that might be good. I can run a mean BBQ also. still trying to figure out what to contribute for food. wife has never been hunting before and definately not a normal mornign person. for softball yes…golf maybe….hunting do not know but will talk to her.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    that might be good. I can run a mean BBQ also. still trying to figure out what to contribute for food. wife has never been hunting before and definately not a normal mornign person. for softball yes…golf maybe….hunting do not know but will talk to her.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    well, after much debate the wife will be going on her first hunt with us. And as for the BBQ we were thinking some home made enchilada’s if that sounds appealing, but MM would need use of the oven for a little while if that is OK. otherwise back to the drawing board.

    I talked to Slider and sounds like he will be helping get her up to speed on trap. She is pretty hyped up about this trip…..

    What am I thinking putting a gun in her hand and teaching her how to shoot it. . I am not giving her the gun safe combination though so I do not have to sleep with one eye open.

    see you guys in a few weeks.


    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Ok guys and gals. We have one field full already. We are however, going to try to fill another field for the IDA’ers. Anyone that wants to come and hunt with us let me or Trevor know. We have 12 right now and 12 more spot availible!

    Here’s a list of who we have so far.

    Mallard-militia (Jason)

    Lars + 3

    Buck and Brat (John and Heidi)

    Bronco and wife (Jeff and Tiffany)

    Eron and Coyote223 (Eric and Greg)


    Anyone else that wants to got, just let me know!

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Alright guys and gals. I found out I have to work the friday after Thanksgiving so I will not be able to partake in any of the clay shooting activities that afternoon. The party however is still on and will be a good time. I will post more details as we get closer. I have to warn all of you guys and gals that will be attending that Heidi (aka Brat) is a poker shark and she can do the chip shuffle with one hand. Be very careful around her. She weighs in at 75 lbs dripping wet, but she packs a punch at the poker table.

    We should also rally to get another field loaded up so we can have a competition between groups.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    well Brat might have some competition. my wife takes pride in winning, but when it comes to taking all my chips…… now she will probably be looking even more forward to it.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Ok guys and gals. We have one field full already. We are however, going to try to fill another field for the IDA’ers. Anyone that wants to come and hunt with us let me or Trevor know. We have 12 right now and 12 more spot availible!

    Here’s a list of who we have so far.

    Mallard-militia (Jason)
    Lars + 3
    Buck and Brat (John and Heidi)
    Bronco and wife (Jeff and Tiffany)
    Eron and Coyote223 (Eric and Greg)

    Anyone else that wants to got, just let me know!

    Greg must have signed me up without checking with me. I will not hunt geese until I am done deer hunting. So fill my spot if you can.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    so how does it look down there? is the sky black with birds ? . just wondering how it is looking in regards to what you guys are seeing and shootig down there.

    also MM or Lars or Buck PM me about hold em please.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    We have not hunted in the last few days. They are hunting today so I will see what is up later. We have been seeing a lot of birds starting to work there way out of the refuge and have been feeding in three of our fields!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    no problem was just curious.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Should I come over here and cause trouble in this post too???

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    naw. you are boring….old news man…..just stay in your own little world like always…

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756


    also MM or Lars or Buck PM me about hold em please.

    Oh yeah, we’ll play cards alright. Probably a “friendly” game. You know, $500-$1K buy-in, 20 minutes blind structure, 100% payback to the top 30% of the field. Nothing too serious. MM, Brat, Buck – don’t forget your WSOP membership cards. We need to rack up those points for next year.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    that is it. so I can leave the other 500K I was going to bring at home?

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756

    We’ll probably just play a $5-$10 game after everybody gets good and ‘d up.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Will ya let a rookie play……You know..Help me along? Is a flush higher than a straight?? If a full House better than 4 of a kind?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Rookies have to put in double if they expect to get help….at least honest help.

    I would hate to beat your 4 of a kind with my Mississippi straight….tough hand to get…you have to think about what cards you are going to get before you get them…you can’t tell anyone though…then when you get them you beat everything….UNLESS someone has a mississippi straight flush….that is picking the cards AND the suits.

    Don’t worry Chap….Brat won’t let me make it obvious we I am BS’n ya.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Reeeeeealy????? Seems last time I played against you,you beat me on the river card? Talk about pulling one outta your !!!

    Looking forward to seeing ya guy’s.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    Does that mean I get to use my “polish” 4 of a kind also against that Mississippi straight?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Don’t be silly….everyone knows there is no such thing as a “polish 4 of a kind”. The closest thing is a pack of Johnsonville polish sausages but that would actually be 6 of a kind anyways.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I have been meaning to ask about your avatar. why did you take a picture of Brats fish like you caught it and use it on here?????

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Good one Broncs!!! Heidi does good at the open water hawg walleyes….ice fishin though…she had a couple equipment failures last year on Lake of the Woods that cost her big fish. We took care of that though so no excuses for this year.
    We got in on the HOF deal that is going on…Okuma ice combos for $15…they look and feel pretty nice.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Alright Guys and Gals,

    Sounds like the weather has a chance to turn for the better this week so let’s all keep our fingers crossed for a few newby birds in town for Saturday.

    The GTG on Friday night will start around 5:00 pm at my place. I will set some tables up in the garage like last time since that will be the best place to set-up food and tables. We will be enjoying some smoked pork that Mike Nelson is bringing into John Hardy’s BBQ in Rochester and Tim D’s wife will be making a potato dish. For appetizers, we’ll be BBQ’ing some of Shoot’s famous duck poppers and cheese dip with nachos. We should have plenty of good eats. If you guys/gals fancy a mix or specialty drink, you may want to bring it along. Sounds like Chappy’s got some extra beer from the 40th to burn, Shoot’s gang will have some beer, and I’ll get some beer on ice as well as some diet coke/coke and water.

    If anyone needs directions to my place, shoot me a PM and I’ll get you the particulars. When you get to my place, you can either go to the door located on the north (right) side of the garage or the front door. If we are all in the garage at the time, we probably wouldn’t hear you at the front door though. I’ll stick a mojo in the front yard on a tall pole for those that may be first timers to the house.

    Should be a great time at the GTG and a great hammertime with Run-N-Gun on Saturday.

    See ya friday.


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