We had another great trip to North Dakota this year. Actually one of the best in the last 7 or 8 years. Bird numbers were pretty good in our area, with ducks on pretty much every pot hole (not the case in the last couple years). Not much for migration weather, but by the way the birds acted and the info we got from locals, these weren’t all locally raised ducks.
Ended the trip with two bang-em-up-in-yo-face mallard shoots Friday and Saturday mornings.
I took a couple video clips on my new camera before my memory card filled up….I haven’t quite figured out how to keep them at a high quality for internet viewing, but not bad for a first attempt….you’ll get the jist of it.
and here are a few photos…
First day….got the itch out on a pile of widgeon and mallards….done by 9:30
Friday morning…..
Saturday morning….