I am a lucky guy

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    So I stroll in the house after work last night and my wife says well since it’s your birthday should be head to Gander. I said hell ya.

    Then she looks at me and hands me a package and says “You might want to open this first” I am thinking what in the world she hates Gander Mt. with a passion

    It’s a small little package. After a quick think about it. I tear the thing open like a 5 year old on X-mas morning. S.O.B.! She got me a Patternmaster choke tube!

    I said “Dang baby you are good!”

    I guess I must have been talking in my sleep again.

    Just had to share how lucky I am to have a lady like I do

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I guess I must have been talking in my sleep again.

    Hmmm I wonder if that’s why the FW bought a new dress for my birthday?

    Happy belated birthday Clink!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I guess I must have been talking in my sleep again.

    Hmmm I wonder if that’s why the FW bought a new dress for my birthday?

    Happy belated birthday Clink!

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    She is without a doubt a “keeper”. Do not let that one get away. Going on 40 years with my “Keeper” so I know what I talk about.

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    She is without a doubt a “keeper”. Do not let that one get away. Going on 40 years with my “Keeper” so I know what I talk about.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Happy B-Day John. Maybe we can still get out!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Happy B-Day John. Maybe we can still get out!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Happy b-day John! You got a keeper there!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Happy b-day John! You got a keeper there!

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Happy B-day for sure!!!!

    The nicest thing about your wife getting you a pattern master is that she had to do a lot of homework to get the right style. There is some thought behind that one. Kudos to your wife and congrats.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Happy B-day for sure!!!!

    The nicest thing about your wife getting you a pattern master is that she had to do a lot of homework to get the right style. There is some thought behind that one. Kudos to your wife and congrats.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Jason. Maybe she was like Mandy and called someone?

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Jason. Maybe she was like Mandy and called someone?

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Thanks guys that was super cool! Love that girl.

    Bored at work this morning I looked up the patternmaster website to see what they had to say about thier product patternmaster

    Then I looked at the price $85.00. I thought thats not so bad. Out of curiosity I called my wife to ask what she got it for @ Gander. she paid $119.00 sticker price $127.00 and some change out the door

    The dealer is selling them for $85.00 plus $6.44 for shipping for a grand total of $91.44 if my high school math is right.

    Whats the deal with that? I called Gander they are closed. Got more upset and called corperate. They are going to check into it. I guess for me a $35.00 difference is a big deal!

    Is that normal to have mark up like that????

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Thanks guys that was super cool! Love that girl.

    Bored at work this morning I looked up the patternmaster website to see what they had to say about thier product patternmaster

    Then I looked at the price $85.00. I thought thats not so bad. Out of curiosity I called my wife to ask what she got it for @ Gander. she paid $119.00 sticker price $127.00 and some change out the door

    The dealer is selling them for $85.00 plus $6.44 for shipping for a grand total of $91.44 if my high school math is right.

    Whats the deal with that? I called Gander they are closed. Got more upset and called corperate. They are going to check into it. I guess for me a $35.00 difference is a big deal!

    Is that normal to have mark up like that????

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Take it back and buy directly from manufacturer RR

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    John. I know the Gander in Rochester the prices are higher unless you have a quote from someone else. Then thay will match it. I do not like that business pratice so I buy more at Cabela’s.

    Good job on calling cooperate though!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    John. I know the Gander in Rochester the prices are higher unless you have a quote from someone else. Then thay will match it. I do not like that business pratice so I buy more at Cabela’s.

    Good job on calling cooperate though!

    W & E Wi
    Posts: 78

    If you buy them from PM direct they come in black. I was looking at the Wad Wizzard myself because of not being ported.

    W & E Wi
    Posts: 78

    If you buy them from PM direct they come in black. I was looking at the Wad Wizzard myself because of not being ported.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Really? I looked on line at the website I listed for patternmaster and I thought they came in silver.

    Hmmmmmmmm I might have to do some more checking. Thanks for the heads up!.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Really? I looked on line at the website I listed for patternmaster and I thought they came in silver.

    Hmmmmmmmm I might have to do some more checking. Thanks for the heads up!.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Enjoy your new choke tube, regardless of price.
    I would expect it to offset some forthcoming jewelry or clothing soon
    Good luck

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Enjoy your new choke tube, regardless of price.
    I would expect it to offset some forthcoming jewelry or clothing soon
    Good luck

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    Enjoy your new choke tube, regardless of price.
    I would expect it to offset some forthcoming jewelry or clothing soon
    Good luck

    Yup I giving her a baby girl in DEC.

    Oh wait I love to hunt

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    Enjoy your new choke tube, regardless of price.
    I would expect it to offset some forthcoming jewelry or clothing soon
    Good luck

    Yup I giving her a baby girl in DEC.

    Oh wait I love to hunt

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