I dont know Dave…………….
New patternmaster on a Bennilli with 3 1/2″ BB’s……………
I could either drop a lot of birds or take out a few low hanging clouds
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Waterfowl Hunting – Ducks & Geese » Open seat??
I dont know Dave…………….
New patternmaster on a Bennilli with 3 1/2″ BB’s……………
I could either drop a lot of birds or take out a few low hanging clouds
me and my partner are heading down to swan lake tommarow morning. so far this year, I have shot alot of holes in ozone and have hit the water with every bb. so in my opinion, that is 100% hit ratio.
me and my partner are heading down to swan lake tommarow morning. so far this year, I have shot alot of holes in ozone and have hit the water with every bb. so in my opinion, that is 100% hit ratio.
I dont know Dave…………….
New patternmaster on a Bennilli with 3 1/2″ BB’s……………
I could either drop a lot of birds or take out a few low hanging clouds
I dont know.. the way you were shooting last weekend
Might be better off just taking the choke out of that gun
I dont know Dave…………….
New patternmaster on a Bennilli with 3 1/2″ BB’s……………
I could either drop a lot of birds or take out a few low hanging clouds
I dont know.. the way you were shooting last weekend
Might be better off just taking the choke out of that gun
How far are you willing to drive?
Im heading to pool 3, its bout an hour drive from byron
Well…pool 3 did not disapoint me. David put us in a great spot, if it were not for the two idiots that set up about 100 yards outside out decoys, we would of had a lot more shooting. Thanks again David for the ride. Compared to where we normally duck hunt, I saw a ton of birds. To those other two clowns
How far are you willing to drive?
Im heading to pool 3, its bout an hour drive from byron
Well…pool 3 did not disapoint me. David put us in a great spot, if it were not for the two idiots that set up about 100 yards outside out decoys, we would of had a lot more shooting. Thanks again David for the ride. Compared to where we normally duck hunt, I saw a ton of birds. To those other two clowns
How far are you willing to drive?
Im heading to pool 3, its bout an hour drive from byron
the two idiots that set up about 100 yards outside out decoys, we would of had a lot more shooting. . To those other two clowns
We had 2 boats come zippin in the bay we were hunting. 2 guys in 2 seperate boats. No problem. But they came in at about 605 to 610. You would think that sense we were sitting there on our spot at 430 am that we could just shine the spotlight and they would leave? NOPE!
Oh well I called in a few birds away from thier spread. One time I did not even shoot. To hear them say “YOU EVEN GOING TO SHOOT!!!” That will teach em!
Best part is when we got checked by the DNR I was telling them my sob story and they knew who the guys were????? They described thier boats and what they shot to a “T”.
We ended up with 4 drake mallards and 2 hens for 2 guys. I thought we did decent
How far are you willing to drive?
Im heading to pool 3, its bout an hour drive from byron
the two idiots that set up about 100 yards outside out decoys, we would of had a lot more shooting. . To those other two clowns
We had 2 boats come zippin in the bay we were hunting. 2 guys in 2 seperate boats. No problem. But they came in at about 605 to 610. You would think that sense we were sitting there on our spot at 430 am that we could just shine the spotlight and they would leave? NOPE!
Oh well I called in a few birds away from thier spread. One time I did not even shoot. To hear them say “YOU EVEN GOING TO SHOOT!!!” That will teach em!
Best part is when we got checked by the DNR I was telling them my sob story and they knew who the guys were????? They described thier boats and what they shot to a “T”.
We ended up with 4 drake mallards and 2 hens for 2 guys. I thought we did decent
Farther south from where we were. At least thats where all the shooting was coming from
Farther south from where we were. At least thats where all the shooting was coming from
We would have had a fair amount of shooting too.. if we didnt have another 2 spreads of decoys from one pair of hunters less than 100 yards off the end of our decoy line
They shot long at a good flock of ducks circling and committed to land in our decoys, the rest of the morning we watched several different small groups of ducks land in their decoy spread that never got shot at?? I think they were only tending to one of their decoy spreads(the other spread).
It would have been a pretty opportunistic morning if it wasnt for the bozo’s. I wont be too up in arms, its the 1st time it ever happened to me there.
We would have had a fair amount of shooting too.. if we didnt have another 2 spreads of decoys from one pair of hunters less than 100 yards off the end of our decoy line
They shot long at a good flock of ducks circling and committed to land in our decoys, the rest of the morning we watched several different small groups of ducks land in their decoy spread that never got shot at?? I think they were only tending to one of their decoy spreads(the other spread).
It would have been a pretty opportunistic morning if it wasnt for the bozo’s. I wont be too up in arms, its the 1st time it ever happened to me there.
I think with the MEA weekend there was a lot more people out hunting. I would say 90% of Duck hunters are pretty good about staying far enough away from your spread.
I think with the MEA weekend there was a lot more people out hunting. I would say 90% of Duck hunters are pretty good about staying far enough away from your spread.
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