Well? How was opener?

  • whiskeyandwater
    Posts: 2014

    Sounds like some guys were having fun onthe Mississippi Near Inver Grove. I was out fishing to get my mind off the fact that I wont be hunting until Monday. BAD IDEA! I looked at the watch just @ 9:00 and then saw a flock fly right at me and land about 25 yards out. 15 minutes later I heard about 15 shots , and then heard them for the next 2 hours about 10-15 minutes apart. So how did every one do?

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Hunted in Lakeville this morning and lets just say…I hope Cub has a good selection of meat in there counter for dinner tonight . Very slow…Goona’ give a lake North of Cambridge a shot in the morning. Should have listened to my instincts and went there today …RR

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    Very slow for us as well. I got one goose and saw very few ducks. It was my pups very first goose retrieve in water and he nailed it like a champ . It made my day.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    Very slow for us as well. I got one goose and saw very few ducks. It was my pups very first goose retrieve in water and he nailed it like a champ . It made my day.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    i was bow hunting and doesnt anyone know that 9 am means 9 am, i heard shots this morning at about 745 ish

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    i was bow hunting and doesnt anyone know that 9 am means 9 am, i heard shots this morning at about 745 ish

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    We opened last weekend here in northern wisconsin and we shot 8 this morning between two guys. we should have had 12 ducks for sure but I guess some of them had some steal armour on them nd wouldnt die I guess we need to aim better. We had lots of northern birds already which is odd for this early. Shot some pintails which I have never seen around here. Maybe this will mean an early winter

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    We opened last weekend here in northern wisconsin and we shot 8 this morning between two guys. we should have had 12 ducks for sure but I guess some of them had some steal armour on them nd wouldnt die I guess we need to aim better. We had lots of northern birds already which is odd for this early. Shot some pintails which I have never seen around here. Maybe this will mean an early winter

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    My buddy and I got 4 this morning, we saw a fair number of ducks. Then the wind came up and blew us off the water. I’ll be out tomorrow morning too. I’ll check back after I get home.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    My buddy and I got 4 this morning, we saw a fair number of ducks. Then the wind came up and blew us off the water. I’ll be out tomorrow morning too. I’ll check back after I get home.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Dean from Evert’s and I got out this morning. We ended up with a two man limit of mallards, woodies, teal, and a widgeon. It was wet and windy but a whole lot of fun.
    Thanks for sharing a boat with me dean.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Dean from Evert’s and I got out this morning. We ended up with a two man limit of mallards, woodies, teal, and a widgeon. It was wet and windy but a whole lot of fun.
    Thanks for sharing a boat with me dean.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Thanks a ton Lenny….it was awesome having Duke do all the work for us! If our shooting had been better it would have been a pretty short day.

    Who would have thought a packer and viking fan in the same boat with guns could be so much fun!

    Thanks again!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Thanks a ton Lenny….it was awesome having Duke do all the work for us! If our shooting had been better it would have been a pretty short day.

    Who would have thought a packer and viking fan in the same boat with guns could be so much fun!

    Thanks again!

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    It was a real good opening day. I traded a guided duck hunt with my dog Moose at my secret honeyhole for an afternoon of chasing roosters with an awesome GSP at a game farm. My group had a great shoot going until the severe T-storms rolled through and had to bail because of lightning. We ended with 19 ducks at the honeyhole and 12 pheasants at the shooting preserve.

    I am in the process of cleaning the gun and drying gear for tomorrow morning. The main quarry for tomorrow will be geese.

    I sure do love duck season. I am on cloud 9.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    It was a real good opening day. I traded a guided duck hunt with my dog Moose at my secret honeyhole for an afternoon of chasing roosters with an awesome GSP at a game farm. My group had a great shoot going until the severe T-storms rolled through and had to bail because of lightning. We ended with 19 ducks at the honeyhole and 12 pheasants at the shooting preserve.

    I am in the process of cleaning the gun and drying gear for tomorrow morning. The main quarry for tomorrow will be geese.

    I sure do love duck season. I am on cloud 9.

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756

    How’d the guys shoot this morning Mallard? Sounds like a heck of a day. I can’t wait until next weekend!


    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756

    How’d the guys shoot this morning Mallard? Sounds like a heck of a day. I can’t wait until next weekend!


    Posts: 2014


    It was a real good opening day. I traded a guided duck hunt with my dog Moose at my secret honeyhole for an afternoon of chasing roosters with an awesome GSP at a game farm. My group had a great shoot going until the severe T-storms rolled through and had to bail because of lightning. We ended with 19 ducks at the honeyhole and 12 pheasants at the shooting preserve.

    I am in the process of cleaning the gun and drying gear for tomorrow morning. The main quarry for tomorrow will be geese.

    I sure do love duck season. I am on cloud 9.

    If that doesn’t sound like a dream day, minus the storm, I’m not sure what does.

    Posts: 2014


    It was a real good opening day. I traded a guided duck hunt with my dog Moose at my secret honeyhole for an afternoon of chasing roosters with an awesome GSP at a game farm. My group had a great shoot going until the severe T-storms rolled through and had to bail because of lightning. We ended with 19 ducks at the honeyhole and 12 pheasants at the shooting preserve.

    I am in the process of cleaning the gun and drying gear for tomorrow morning. The main quarry for tomorrow will be geese.

    I sure do love duck season. I am on cloud 9.

    If that doesn’t sound like a dream day, minus the storm, I’m not sure what does.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    How about the weather? fine to start bad to end. First opener I’ve seen in a while where there wasn’t clear blue skys and warm weather. We headed out to the gong show of the mighty mississippi(that’s alright though we get away from the crowds every year). We were in our woodie hole and jumped about 25 when we walked in there, but I think we went and jumped them a little late so they didn’t have a lot of time to flutter back in. We ended up getting 4 woodies and a green-winger. The bonus for the trip—-a banded drake woodie for myself, kind of neat to get one in the same hole I got my first band in 17 years ago. Shooting was just about constant for the time we were out there. Seemed to be a lot of birds in the air.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    How about the weather? fine to start bad to end. First opener I’ve seen in a while where there wasn’t clear blue skys and warm weather. We headed out to the gong show of the mighty mississippi(that’s alright though we get away from the crowds every year). We were in our woodie hole and jumped about 25 when we walked in there, but I think we went and jumped them a little late so they didn’t have a lot of time to flutter back in. We ended up getting 4 woodies and a green-winger. The bonus for the trip—-a banded drake woodie for myself, kind of neat to get one in the same hole I got my first band in 17 years ago. Shooting was just about constant for the time we were out there. Seemed to be a lot of birds in the air.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    How’d the guys shoot this morning Mallard? Sounds like a heck of a day. I can’t wait until next weekend!


    Hey Shoot. Sunday was quite a different story than Saturday. I think my Sunday spot got jumped on Saturday because the entrance gate was wide open on Sunday morning. It was a real slow morning. At least my blind is comfy so I caught up on some sleep.

    I will do some scouting and see what I can muster up for next weekend. We may have to discuss going north to meet the birds. There are only brown ducks down here right now.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    How’d the guys shoot this morning Mallard? Sounds like a heck of a day. I can’t wait until next weekend!


    Hey Shoot. Sunday was quite a different story than Saturday. I think my Sunday spot got jumped on Saturday because the entrance gate was wide open on Sunday morning. It was a real slow morning. At least my blind is comfy so I caught up on some sleep.

    I will do some scouting and see what I can muster up for next weekend. We may have to discuss going north to meet the birds. There are only brown ducks down here right now.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 104

    Took my two little boys out to Morris area, to hunt with my family. There were alot of birds around. Not to many shots for the boys on the pond that we hunted. My 9 y/o did manage to get his first duck a teal that he dropped out of the air. I should have stayed around home, a few of my buddies shot 1/2 limits on saturday, and filled out with woodies and mallards by 9am on sunday.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 104

    Took my two little boys out to Morris area, to hunt with my family. There were alot of birds around. Not to many shots for the boys on the pond that we hunted. My 9 y/o did manage to get his first duck a teal that he dropped out of the air. I should have stayed around home, a few of my buddies shot 1/2 limits on saturday, and filled out with woodies and mallards by 9am on sunday.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I went out Sunday morning for a quick hunt near my house with a buddy. We ended up shooting 9 teal in about 2 1/2 hours. It sure was a nice morning to be out. Cloudy and not a lot of wind. With the clouds it was still very dark at first shoot so we just sat and watched the birds come and go from our deeks for the first 10-15 minutes before firing our first shots.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I went out Sunday morning for a quick hunt near my house with a buddy. We ended up shooting 9 teal in about 2 1/2 hours. It sure was a nice morning to be out. Cloudy and not a lot of wind. With the clouds it was still very dark at first shoot so we just sat and watched the birds come and go from our deeks for the first 10-15 minutes before firing our first shots.

    Posts: 2014

    Well I got out today Finally … 1st Duck hunt ever!

    Talk about a good time, and I only got 9 shots off. didn’t even bag a bird. Oh well I’ll be back out again. Planned on pond hopping and jumping on birds. Well we had a group that got to the land the same time we did, and they just bolted for the honey hole. Which was fine by us. well then we discovered they were calling birds in. We figured if we put our selves in the right spot we could get a crack at thier flyaways. Between us and them there were PLEANTY!

    Anyways at one point they had called in 2 flocks one flew about 15 yards in front of us on approach. We didn’t shoot because they did the work we were just taking thier sloppy seconds. They didn’t even see that flock come in they were focused on the other one. so just after the flock that flew infront of us was just out of range they opened up on the other. Never even had a shot at “ours”.

    Nature-1 Ryan-0
    But that’s ok the season is young, and I’m not giving up. Man that was a blast.

    Posts: 2014

    Well I got out today Finally … 1st Duck hunt ever!

    Talk about a good time, and I only got 9 shots off. didn’t even bag a bird. Oh well I’ll be back out again. Planned on pond hopping and jumping on birds. Well we had a group that got to the land the same time we did, and they just bolted for the honey hole. Which was fine by us. well then we discovered they were calling birds in. We figured if we put our selves in the right spot we could get a crack at thier flyaways. Between us and them there were PLEANTY!

    Anyways at one point they had called in 2 flocks one flew about 15 yards in front of us on approach. We didn’t shoot because they did the work we were just taking thier sloppy seconds. They didn’t even see that flock come in they were focused on the other one. so just after the flock that flew infront of us was just out of range they opened up on the other. Never even had a shot at “ours”.

    Nature-1 Ryan-0
    But that’s ok the season is young, and I’m not giving up. Man that was a blast.

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