——————————————————————————–Hey folks,
I do not know about you guys, but I have not been too pleased with the quality of the migration reports available on-line.
We are down to the best (last) 3 weeks of the season.
Lets try to ride out this season with some open discussion about significant migration evidence.
I am not asking anyone to divulge their secrets, just discus where the south-bound line appears.
Here we go:
French Lake, Hennepipn County; Minor numbers of both divers and mallards, flocks upto 20 ct.
Clearwater Lake, Wright County; Approximately 2.3 million coot, no flock counts.
Gull Lake, Crow Wing County; 75-150 Northern mallards comfortably residing at the Hwy.371/Co.Rd.115 boat landing, hunted grassy point on Sunday, 5 Buffleheads, too much fog for flock count.
Lake Bemidji, Beltrami County; Great numbers of Ringnecks, Bills, Goldies, Buffleheads, Mallards and mergansers, unfortunately this is the refuge, no flocks on neighboring waters.
Leech Lake, I have not scouted and can not get a report from anyone?
I will provide more when I have it. Please do not forget to ask the fishing population what they are seeing. Most all fishermen are hitting big water right now!——————————————————————————–
That preceeding quote was the start of our 2005 forum that exceeded 125 replies (not to mention the hits) with only 3 weeks left in the season!
I have made mention to several people that that forum did add significant enjoyment to my late season, and likely some additional success as well.
With early goose upon us and some folks already commenting on local populations, I think it is time again
Good luck this season to all of you
No secrets need to be exposed in this forum, refer to the quote from last year to see the explanation that seemed acceptable to everyone.
Here we go guys & gals.
The 2007 season is under way in some of our bordering states and will fire up this weekend in Minnesota.
I’m looking forward to another season of sharing my observations and success stories as well as reading yours.
As we have emphasized before, nobody should/needs to disclose any specific location information. Just share your experiences and help us all work together to track the migration (once it starts)
Good luck to everybody in their 2008 season!