IDA Rochester Goose hunt

  • timdomaille
    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Have Jason call me and see where I am. I will be at the BFL Regional tournament all next week.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Alright guys. Here we go. Starting to get the fields out and have started to wack some. Shot 15 yesterday. The hunt will be October 27th. $60 a gun instaed of $75. PM me if interested.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Alright guys. Here we go. Starting to get the fields out and have started to wack some. Shot 15 yesterday. The hunt will be October 27th. $60 a gun instaed of $75. PM me if interested.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 95

    Tim you forgot about the one leg band yesterday too!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 95

    Tim you forgot about the one leg band yesterday too!!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Ok so far we hacew John (Buckshot), Heidi, (Brat), Jason (MM), Lars (Shoot&Release). Anyone else coming?

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Ok so far we hacew John (Buckshot), Heidi, (Brat), Jason (MM), Lars (Shoot&Release). Anyone else coming?

    Posts: 2014

    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    Posts: 2014

    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Do you need me to make a phone call?

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Do you need me to make a phone call?

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for FRIDAY. Enjoy the local scene on FRIDAY night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds SATURDAY morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for FRIDAY. Enjoy the local scene on FRIDAY night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds SATURDAY morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Posts: 2014


    Do you need me to make a phone call?

    To Him or Her?! one may help , the other ….. welll I shudder just thinking about the 1,000’s of possible outcomes!

    Posts: 2014


    Do you need me to make a phone call?

    To Him or Her?! one may help , the other ….. welll I shudder just thinking about the 1,000’s of possible outcomes!

    Posts: 2014



    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for Saturday. Enjoy the local scene on Saturday night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds Sunday morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Yeah but that may require taking out a 2nd mortgage.

    Posts: 2014



    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for Saturday. Enjoy the local scene on Saturday night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds Sunday morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Yeah but that may require taking out a 2nd mortgage.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108




    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for FRIDAY. Enjoy the local scene on FRIDAY night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds SATURDAY morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Yeah but that may require taking out a 2nd mortgage.

    I made a bit of a mistake. The goose whacking session will be on Saturday, Oct 27th and the GTG will be at my house the night before if parties are in favor on the Friday night before (Oct. 26th).

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108




    I’m checking with a friend to see if he can make it. Wife said if he can, than I can!

    You could make a little weekend out of the whole deal. Get your buddy and his wife, you and your wife to go in on a hotel room in Rochester for FRIDAY. Enjoy the local scene on FRIDAY night which will include a GTG at my place, and whack some birds SATURDAY morning while the girls enjoy the finest shopping Rochester has to offer. Sounds easy to me.

    Yeah but that may require taking out a 2nd mortgage.

    I made a bit of a mistake. The goose whacking session will be on Saturday, Oct 27th and the GTG will be at my house the night before if parties are in favor on the Friday night before (Oct. 26th).

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756


    Do you want me to send you a check, or pay you in person? If I remember, we paid you in the field last year.

    12 days to go…


    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756


    Do you want me to send you a check, or pay you in person? If I remember, we paid you in the field last year.

    12 days to go…


    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Just bring it Lars! And shells with shot in them this year!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Just bring it Lars! And shells with shot in them this year!

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    TNELSON said that he will wear a pink too-too if we can fill the pits with IDA’ers. There are some spots still left. It is really a good time for everybody.

    Last Sunday there were even some ducks buzzing around the fields!!!

    I’ll even throw in free beer at my house the night before. While quantities last so get there before Shoot shows up.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    TNELSON said that he will wear a pink too-too if we can fill the pits with IDA’ers. There are some spots still left. It is really a good time for everybody.

    Last Sunday there were even some ducks buzzing around the fields!!!

    I’ll even throw in free beer at my house the night before. While quantities last so get there before Shoot shows up.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 95

    Pink too-too That is funny. I might have to borrow it from you though. If the weather is nice we could do beer,burgers,and brats! I will get the burgers and brats

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 95

    Pink too-too That is funny. I might have to borrow it from you though. If the weather is nice we could do beer,burgers,and brats! I will get the burgers and brats

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    GMAN told me he would supply all the beer that everyone could drink

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    GMAN told me he would supply all the beer that everyone could drink

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    Pink too-too That is funny. I might have to borrow it from you though. If the weather is nice we could do beer,burgers,and brats! I will get the burgers and brats

    I suppose I’ll let you borrow my too-too, but don’t let Mandi know about it. I’ve got a big grill so we could easily do brats and burgers, or we could have a game feed.

    Let’s all rally together and get Trev into a too-too for halloween.

    How bout ya:
    Redneck Jr. – Anyone that goes by the name Redneck is a guy I have to meet.
    LundgEYE – You won’t regret it.
    Erick – You know you want to.
    Crosby Stick – Erick would be lost without your aroma.
    pahaarstad – Kid friendly, mother approved.
    Deluxe247 – Talk to your wife, get your buddy and crash at my place. I’ll take you out to one of my honeyholes on Sunday too if you want.
    Steve – Take a break from chasing bucks and let’s hammer some geese.

    If all you guys rally up, we could have Trev in a too-too. That’s worth $60 by itself.

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