So who would like to hunt here with me????????????

  • honda75
    Posts: 814

    Went fishing at a forest preserve this morning and look at the honkers and the honkers with jewlery. You can get 3 feet from them and they don’t move. If you take bread out there I have seen them attack little kids for the bread.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Looks like the town i live in. Theres thousands of them everywhere after the dnr planted them 20 years ago. There got to be so many here the dnr took alot of them to another county and in the next couple days they were right back just like they never left, guess that don’t work. The whole area here has honkers on just about every pond, river and creek. The dnr stocked them here and they took off big time. The hunters taking the numbers they do in the fall helps keep the population in check or there would be 100’s of thousands here instead of 10’s of thousands. Theres a park on the n.w. side of town where they have thier young, only one spot among dozens, and when they have thier young in the spring they eat the grass down too the dirt, its bare for quiet a few of weeks and when it rains its mud until it eventually grows back. I remember befor they stocked them it was always neat too see them once in awhile, now theres thousands of them and thier still pretty neat to see.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Looks like the town i live in. Theres thousands of them everywhere after the dnr planted them 20 years ago. There got to be so many here the dnr took alot of them to another county and in the next couple days they were right back just like they never left, guess that don’t work. The whole area here has honkers on just about every pond, river and creek. The dnr stocked them here and they took off big time. The hunters taking the numbers they do in the fall helps keep the population in check or there would be 100’s of thousands here instead of 10’s of thousands. Theres a park on the n.w. side of town where they have thier young, only one spot among dozens, and when they have thier young in the spring they eat the grass down too the dirt, its bare for quiet a few of weeks and when it rains its mud until it eventually grows back. I remember befor they stocked them it was always neat too see them once in awhile, now theres thousands of them and thier still pretty neat to see.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Just like in Rochester where they want people to shake the eggs.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Just like in Rochester where they want people to shake the eggs.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Start training those birds for me. Set the layout blind up, some old beat up decoys, do your worst goose call, and then pitch them some bread. By fall they should be putty in my hands.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Start training those birds for me. Set the layout blind up, some old beat up decoys, do your worst goose call, and then pitch them some bread. By fall they should be putty in my hands.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Cha-ching with the jewelry!!!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Cha-ching with the jewelry!!!!

    bettendorf iowa
    Posts: 49

    looks like ellis park real big secret

    bettendorf iowa
    Posts: 49

    looks like ellis park real big secret

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