no one is going to believe me. but i dont care. up untill this season i have shot 2 canvasback. both not while hunting divers but just happened to be passing by instead. our trip to nd this year we shot about 15 total, not really seeing a whole ton of birds, just capitalizing on the ones we had come in. awesome right…. i could only amagine. thursday, a buddy of mine calls me. he found the cans. by the mother load. to make a long story short. friday morning, just me and him we shot our 2 cans. did some scouting found a little better spot for sat but it was still mostly pass shooting. limit again sat morning, 4 cans. by now we are calling everyone we can trying to get them to come out. the limit is only one per day, this weekend we could of shot 3000. found 4 fresh people to shoot sat night. 4 cans. here is where the story gets good. shooting cans is fun on the pass, but we wanted to get them to decoy. sun morning we followed them instead of hunting. we found a bay they were all going into. they got up, you litereally could not see through the cloud of ducks that got up. about 85 % cans the other your misc. ducks like ringies goldeneyes buffies you name it. here is where the getten gets good. sunday night, get there at 2:00, 5 doz decoys later, 4 of us are sitting in this bay. little if no wind, none to determine any directing they should be landing into. there were already a ton of birds in the bay an in the air when we got there. 2:30, we had our 4 cans. all bulls. from 230 untill dark, we sat and waited for other ducks to swing by. nope, from 230 untill dark we had flocks of cans anywheres from singles to 60-70 cans in or coming into our decoys every 3-5 min and sometimes even more than that. all we could do was stand there with our jaws down as bull after big bull after big bull landed, or swung bye in the bright sunlight, expozing their big cherry heads and pure white bodies. i have never seen anything so incredible, so unbelieveable in my life and i probably never will again. i know, we had at least over 3000 birds within shootable range. this is a day i will remember for the rest of my life. 3 of us went out this morning same spot. not as many cans as last nite, must have found a different spot or were just rafted up in the middle somewhere. we never educated that many last night either. we ended up with our 3 cans and a bunch of other ducks. an awesome bufflehead and a mallard on steriods. here are the ducks from last nite and today.
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