The best end EVER!!!

  • Andy68
    Posts: 30

    We went out today and i had the best day goose hunting EVER!!! We ended out up getting five of our six geese. i have never come that close to limiting out on geese. I got my 2 and the other kid got his 2 and the kids grandpa got 1. The guy that took us out i duck hunt with and he did some of the best calling i have ever heard. so all in all i had a good end to a really crapie season.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Come on Andy…..Crappy season??? I know I witnessed you shoot at least like 15 ducks…….That’s twice as many as the average duck hunter in MN shoot’s per year …….and now add two geese to that total, sounds like a banner year to me

    Just pickin on ya of course ……just wait, now that you’ve got a vehicle, you’ll have more opportunities to get out, and it’ll only get better for ya……..and then you hit COLLEGE!!!

    But way to go on those geese!!! It’s fun when they actually work the spread ain’t it …….so how many dekes did you guys use?

    I talked to my buddy yesterday and he said they got their geese again Wed. and Thurs………using A LOT less dekes than some might expect you need to be succefull around Roch .

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Come on Andy…..Crappy season??? I know I witnessed you shoot at least like 15 ducks…….That’s twice as many as the average duck hunter in MN shoot’s per year …….and now add two geese to that total, sounds like a banner year to me

    Just pickin on ya of course ……just wait, now that you’ve got a vehicle, you’ll have more opportunities to get out, and it’ll only get better for ya……..and then you hit COLLEGE!!!

    But way to go on those geese!!! It’s fun when they actually work the spread ain’t it …….so how many dekes did you guys use?

    I talked to my buddy yesterday and he said they got their geese again Wed. and Thurs………using A LOT less dekes than some might expect you need to be succefull around Roch .

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