Decent Deer Opener

  • kris_brantner
    My river
    Posts: 1678

    Unlike everybody else and their brother, i dont go deer hunting. call me stupid or stubborn or call me what ever u want, but i am a duckhunter to the end. set up on a sandbar where a creek dumps out that a few ducks and geese had been using. there was hardly any cover there at all except a few sticks that the beavers had drug up there. so i brought the finisher, and it did the trick. ducks and geese had no idea i was there at all. wasnt many ducks flying but i managed to scratch down 3. a pair of geese came in, cupped from a couple hundred yards out and set right in. all i had was 4 shot left but i still pummeled the first one, but “gut shot” the other. he flew fine about 400 yards out on the lake and did the death sail then crashed into the water and im sure he was deader than a door nail. no way to get out there, i had to watch the waves carry it the other direction. sucks, i hate loosing birds. but ne ways, all u “diehard duckhunters” have fun shooting at the deers. ill be killing the birds

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I managed to get my deer on Sunday, Now I can go back to ducks. SO I went out yesterday and got 3 green heads, 1 black duck and 2 greenwing teal.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I managed to get my deer on Sunday, Now I can go back to ducks. SO I went out yesterday and got 3 green heads, 1 black duck and 2 greenwing teal.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were THE days in the area we hunted…..limits of Mallards were the norm for pretty much everybody in the general area (which really wasn’t that many people ). Sunday was slower, but still better than average.

    Had to break a hole in the ice earlier in the week…..Ice was just about gone by Sunday night

    Saturday’s spread

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were THE days in the area we hunted…..limits of Mallards were the norm for pretty much everybody in the general area (which really wasn’t that many people ). Sunday was slower, but still better than average.

    Had to break a hole in the ice earlier in the week…..Ice was just about gone by Sunday night

    Saturday’s spread

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    and the results

    Get at it while the gettin is good!!! Were gonna be ice fishin by the end of this week!!!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    and the results

    Get at it while the gettin is good!!! Were gonna be ice fishin by the end of this week!!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Nice birds man!!!! Looks like a couple of real plumpers in that pile.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Nice birds man!!!! Looks like a couple of real plumpers in that pile.

    Posts: 30

    hey real nice birds Jake!!! now how many shells did you shoot?

    Posts: 30

    hey real nice birds Jake!!! now how many shells did you shoot?

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