still shooten some

  • duckilr
    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    Fish, how many people were you hunting with? Curious because you have pictured 5 woodies and the limit is 2 a person (if you are hunting WI).

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m guessing the two guys in the pic and one taking the pic = 3.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I’m guessing the two guys in the pic and one taking the pic = 3.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    well there are two seperate pictures of the same 5 ducks and goose. one with me and my buddy, and one with him and his wife. ide say there were prolly 3 of us

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    well there are two seperate pictures of the same 5 ducks and goose. one with me and my buddy, and one with him and his wife. ide say there were prolly 3 of us

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    i can assure all of you that i dont poach ducks, and even if i did, i wouldnt be dumb enough to post a picture on a site that bill wrasse, the gamewarden for pepin county, told me about

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    i can assure all of you that i dont poach ducks, and even if i did, i wouldnt be dumb enough to post a picture on a site that bill wrasse, the gamewarden for pepin county, told me about

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    And I dont know if i’m right or not…but I think 2*3=6……Why doesnt everyone worry about there own limit…an not try to say we shot to many wood ducks or to many hen mallards(that are actually gadwalls).by just lookin at the picture an not knowing how many guys we had hunting with us……I have never broke up the law an never plan on breakin the law….I LOVE ducks an have the upmost respect for them an the migration them make every year…..

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    And I dont know if i’m right or not…but I think 2*3=6……Why doesnt everyone worry about there own limit…an not try to say we shot to many wood ducks or to many hen mallards(that are actually gadwalls).by just lookin at the picture an not knowing how many guys we had hunting with us……I have never broke up the law an never plan on breakin the law….I LOVE ducks an have the upmost respect for them an the migration them make every year…..

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    lighten up francis. I am sure nobody was acusing you of breaking any laws…I had already “assumed” they weren’t all hens, just looked like it in the pic.

    Maybe some of us need to make more use of the thingies to insure others understand when we are ribbing you. If you look again, you will see the that I put in my reply about the hens.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    lighten up francis. I am sure nobody was acusing you of breaking any laws…I had already “assumed” they weren’t all hens, just looked like it in the pic.

    Maybe some of us need to make more use of the thingies to insure others understand when we are ribbing you. If you look again, you will see the that I put in my reply about the hens.

    Posts: 5130

    I guess I should not be in the marsh either, I couldn’t positively identify whether they were hen mallards or gads Especially in a dark picture, on a tailgate, hidden by other birds. I also would much rather hunt when it is a little colder and the birds tend to move a little more. I did go out every weekend so far, but it was miserable as far as the temps. Sure it was good to be out again, but come on and be realistic, cooler weather is much better.
    Now, on to a more serious thought. Why do we need to slam on people for their differences in how/when they hunt? Does it affect anybody other than the other person? Not really. If you hunt when it is 80+ degrees, good for you If someone else chooses to not go until it is cooler, good for them It is no different than the guys who only bowhunt during the rut. Or guys/gals that won’t deer hunt until it cools off. It is no sweat off my back as there are different strokes for different folks. So with that being said, let’s not get into the slamming of other peoples ideals

    Posts: 5130

    I guess I should not be in the marsh either, I couldn’t positively identify whether they were hen mallards or gads Especially in a dark picture, on a tailgate, hidden by other birds. I also would much rather hunt when it is a little colder and the birds tend to move a little more. I did go out every weekend so far, but it was miserable as far as the temps. Sure it was good to be out again, but come on and be realistic, cooler weather is much better.
    Now, on to a more serious thought. Why do we need to slam on people for their differences in how/when they hunt? Does it affect anybody other than the other person? Not really. If you hunt when it is 80+ degrees, good for you If someone else chooses to not go until it is cooler, good for them It is no different than the guys who only bowhunt during the rut. Or guys/gals that won’t deer hunt until it cools off. It is no sweat off my back as there are different strokes for different folks. So with that being said, let’s not get into the slamming of other peoples ideals

    champlin MN
    Posts: 14

    AMwatson You may wish to review fishahollk’s posts sence duck opener before judging others to hard.

    champlin MN
    Posts: 14

    AMwatson You may wish to review fishahollk’s posts sence duck opener before judging others to hard.

    Posts: 776

    I couldn’t agree more with ya AM, if you cann’t positively identify the difference in ducks then you shouldn’t be in the marsh either. Well, you can go to the marsh just let the ducks land in the decoys………..get your identification book out…….figure out what it is and then if you can shoot it……. shoot it off the water and call it a day. Now that is a true hunter there.

    Posts: 776

    I couldn’t agree more with ya AM, if you cann’t positively identify the difference in ducks then you shouldn’t be in the marsh either. Well, you can go to the marsh just let the ducks land in the decoys………..get your identification book out…….figure out what it is and then if you can shoot it……. shoot it off the water and call it a day. Now that is a true hunter there.

    Posts: 5130

    River Runt-I have read all the posts on this forum. If you think that was coming down hard on others, you are mistaken.

    Buckmaster-I am not sure what to think about you or your attitude just yet. I am going to assume you are still in your 20’s and full of yourself. That in time will go away. My last post was mostly in jest, with a little seriousness thrown in. I almost let the stab go until your comment about how I should stay out of your way while hunting. What exactly is that supposed to mean? You have never seen,met, or hunted with me and you are judging me on how I hunt?
    You make it sound bad to water swat I have read and will continue to post any reply I feel like. You or your posse will never change that. Have a nice day

    Posts: 5130

    River Runt-I have read all the posts on this forum. If you think that was coming down hard on others, you are mistaken.

    Buckmaster-I am not sure what to think about you or your attitude just yet. I am going to assume you are still in your 20’s and full of yourself. That in time will go away. My last post was mostly in jest, with a little seriousness thrown in. I almost let the stab go until your comment about how I should stay out of your way while hunting. What exactly is that supposed to mean? You have never seen,met, or hunted with me and you are judging me on how I hunt?
    You make it sound bad to water swat I have read and will continue to post any reply I feel like. You or your posse will never change that. Have a nice day

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I am glad to see someone is shootijng a few ducks…tells me that there are still better days coming.

    Some of you should remember that old age and treachery will always surpass youth and exuberance.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I am glad to see someone is shootijng a few ducks…tells me that there are still better days coming.

    Some of you should remember that old age and treachery will always surpass youth and exuberance.

    Posts: 776

    Keep knocking them dead!

    Posts: 5130

    buckmaster-Now that we both have that little spat out of our system, let’s move on
    I myself do not mind how the seasons are set-up right now. As long as it is open I am happy I do not try and make excuses as to why I don’t get a limit very often. The main reason I don’t is due to my shooting. I have never had a problem getting into ducks. I can admit I have a lot of learning to do before I am a great duck hunter, but that is the fun part. I have not had a chance to do any scouting this week while our season is closed due to work. This is a busy time of year for me. But, I am hoping to get out this weekend for sure

    Posts: 5130

    buckmaster-Now that we both have that little spat out of our system, let’s move on
    I myself do not mind how the seasons are set-up right now. As long as it is open I am happy I do not try and make excuses as to why I don’t get a limit very often. The main reason I don’t is due to my shooting. I have never had a problem getting into ducks. I can admit I have a lot of learning to do before I am a great duck hunter, but that is the fun part. I have not had a chance to do any scouting this week while our season is closed due to work. This is a busy time of year for me. But, I am hoping to get out this weekend for sure

    Posts: 776

    Still shoot geese this week though AM, just not in the Mississippi Subzone.

    Knock em’ dead this weekend.

    Posts: 776

    Still shoot geese this week though AM, just not in the Mississippi Subzone.

    Knock em’ dead this weekend.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    ya no kidding i just wanted to post some pictures, not start an arguement. good luck fish on your opener for the year

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