Remington Hevi-shot users

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    How much of it have you shot, what sizes and how does/has it performed compared to your shooting steel?

    Last year I saw guys skybusting ducks straight up about 50 yards and actually dropping them. After much research I have found that this stuff is actually denser than lead and supposed to shoot/pattern better than lead so it will obviously outperform steel.

    According to what I have read, its better than steel, bismuth, tungsten alloys and according to the ballistics, better than lead even. I just wanna know what the real world results are before I drop 20 bucks for a box of 10 shells.

    Rochester Minnesota
    Posts: 100

    Absolutely wicked on geese 3inch#2s. The best performing shell I have ever used! Shot quite a few rounds of ten gauge as well! Only bad thing about them is the price.

    Rochester Minnesota
    Posts: 100

    Absolutely wicked on geese 3inch#2s. The best performing shell I have ever used! Shot quite a few rounds of ten gauge as well! Only bad thing about them is the price.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Stuff drops ducks like a flyswatter and they hit the water stone dead. I used 5’s or 6’s on mallards and they were tremendous. I should say I used reloads and Evironmetal, not Remington shells. I would think Rems are about the same. I also used mostly 2 3/4 inch, 1 1/4 oz. I found no need for 3 inchers.

    That said, I still don’t use them alot. Even reloaded, they are about or more than a buck a shell.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Stuff drops ducks like a flyswatter and they hit the water stone dead. I used 5’s or 6’s on mallards and they were tremendous. I should say I used reloads and Evironmetal, not Remington shells. I would think Rems are about the same. I also used mostly 2 3/4 inch, 1 1/4 oz. I found no need for 3 inchers.

    That said, I still don’t use them alot. Even reloaded, they are about or more than a buck a shell.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 6


    Go to the Remington website, and view the video clip they have in which they hang a metal plate, and then commence to shoot it first with steel-shot, in which it only dents it, then, from the same spot, they shoot it with the same sized shot in Hevi-shot. Just about rips that plate off it’s hanger, and completely blows through it.
    Now, having said that, I have shot the stuff on turkeys. Then used those left-overs on ducks. Yup…, it smacks ’em DOA.
    However, I refuse to pay that money for those shells. My reasoning??? If I cannot kill a duck or goose with a quality, high-velocity steel load, then in my opinion, that duck/goose is a looooong ways off, and doesn’t deserve to be poked at. A pellet in the guts from steel, tungsten, bismuth, hevi…, whatever…, is a pellet in the guts.., and a dead bird that sails off never to be recovered. Remember, you need pattern density to kill a bird. I am quite sure that a #4 Hevi-shot pellet hitting a bird in the right spot, would probably fold a mallard at 60-yards or more. But can anyone state that they can put that pellet in a vital area, at that range??? I don’t think so. You only have so many pellets in a shell.., and a weak pattern is a weak pattern, irregardless of what we shoot at ’em.
    A duck or goose in range can only be killed so dead. Killing them “deader” than they need to be is a waste of money.
    Just my thoughts. Way too spendy, and in the wrong hands, (not implying your hands), they are true promoters of sky-busting. And that was something that went way down when only steel was available, as people seen the futility in it. (No, it didn’t go away completely, but it did decrease). With the “new” loads available now, I personally see sky-busting returning.
    If it gives you confidence, and you can afford it, by all means use it. If you can’t or don’t, you won’t miss out on any less enjoyment of the hunt.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 6


    Go to the Remington website, and view the video clip they have in which they hang a metal plate, and then commence to shoot it first with steel-shot, in which it only dents it, then, from the same spot, they shoot it with the same sized shot in Hevi-shot. Just about rips that plate off it’s hanger, and completely blows through it.
    Now, having said that, I have shot the stuff on turkeys. Then used those left-overs on ducks. Yup…, it smacks ’em DOA.
    However, I refuse to pay that money for those shells. My reasoning??? If I cannot kill a duck or goose with a quality, high-velocity steel load, then in my opinion, that duck/goose is a looooong ways off, and doesn’t deserve to be poked at. A pellet in the guts from steel, tungsten, bismuth, hevi…, whatever…, is a pellet in the guts.., and a dead bird that sails off never to be recovered. Remember, you need pattern density to kill a bird. I am quite sure that a #4 Hevi-shot pellet hitting a bird in the right spot, would probably fold a mallard at 60-yards or more. But can anyone state that they can put that pellet in a vital area, at that range??? I don’t think so. You only have so many pellets in a shell.., and a weak pattern is a weak pattern, irregardless of what we shoot at ’em.
    A duck or goose in range can only be killed so dead. Killing them “deader” than they need to be is a waste of money.
    Just my thoughts. Way too spendy, and in the wrong hands, (not implying your hands), they are true promoters of sky-busting. And that was something that went way down when only steel was available, as people seen the futility in it. (No, it didn’t go away completely, but it did decrease). With the “new” loads available now, I personally see sky-busting returning.
    If it gives you confidence, and you can afford it, by all means use it. If you can’t or don’t, you won’t miss out on any less enjoyment of the hunt.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Fish.I have used Hevi Shot for years while guiding in the Rochester area.Hitting criple geese while flying away and sometimes at a long distance,it really wacks them. I personally have shot geese at 60-70 yards and stoned them.Not saying to take longer shots,just picking up criples at a long distance. The price is high and I cannot always justify the expense.High vis steel in my opinion is good enough when you learn how to shot it,lead,distance, and so forth.For geese we use alot of high vis BB,BBB,and T.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Fish.I have used Hevi Shot for years while guiding in the Rochester area.Hitting criple geese while flying away and sometimes at a long distance,it really wacks them. I personally have shot geese at 60-70 yards and stoned them.Not saying to take longer shots,just picking up criples at a long distance. The price is high and I cannot always justify the expense.High vis steel in my opinion is good enough when you learn how to shot it,lead,distance, and so forth.For geese we use alot of high vis BB,BBB,and T.

    Up nort or down south
    Posts: 19

    All I can say is unreal ! I don’t care for the price so much, but for geese it is the ticket. I don’t think it is worth the money to buy it for ducks in my opinion.

    Up nort or down south
    Posts: 19

    All I can say is unreal ! I don’t care for the price so much, but for geese it is the ticket. I don’t think it is worth the money to buy it for ducks in my opinion.

    My House
    Posts: 62

    personaly i love it for turkeys. with it i wouldnt be afraid to take a 50 yard shot with my benelli. i havnt used it on ducks or geese but this fall we are planning on going to horicon for the late season and we are going to use the hevi-shot. last weekend was opening weekend for ducks i limited out and my dad only got one. i took some 40 yard shots with 4’s 3inch steel shot and dropped teal and woodies. personally with ducks steel shot works fine. for geese or turkey’s i would use the hevi-shot. ill never use anything else for turkeys. my second year turkey hunting i had regular 3 1/2 inch mag’s and just tickled a turkey at 32 yards. the very next day i had hevi shot 3 and a 1/2inch and a turkey at 40 yards dropped him and he didnt even wiggle. well i hope you get all the info u need

    My House
    Posts: 62

    personaly i love it for turkeys. with it i wouldnt be afraid to take a 50 yard shot with my benelli. i havnt used it on ducks or geese but this fall we are planning on going to horicon for the late season and we are going to use the hevi-shot. last weekend was opening weekend for ducks i limited out and my dad only got one. i took some 40 yard shots with 4’s 3inch steel shot and dropped teal and woodies. personally with ducks steel shot works fine. for geese or turkey’s i would use the hevi-shot. ill never use anything else for turkeys. my second year turkey hunting i had regular 3 1/2 inch mag’s and just tickled a turkey at 32 yards. the very next day i had hevi shot 3 and a 1/2inch and a turkey at 40 yards dropped him and he didnt even wiggle. well i hope you get all the info u need

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    Have used it for at least 3 years. I use #4 3″ on geese and #6 3″ on ducks. I found the 6s patterned better than the 4s. These shell flat out kill. I used lead back in the days when we could. I have used lead, steel, bismuth tungsten and Hevi-shot in that order. I have had much better results with the Hevi-shot than I have with any of the others with the exception of lead. I believe it would be a toss up between lead and Hevi. Get a box of #4 in 3″ for geese and a box of #6 in 3″ for ducks. It’s all I shoot anymore. At least 3 years and only 1 cripple. Still can figure that one out. To me… is worth the price.


    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    Have used it for at least 3 years. I use #4 3″ on geese and #6 3″ on ducks. I found the 6s patterned better than the 4s. These shell flat out kill. I used lead back in the days when we could. I have used lead, steel, bismuth tungsten and Hevi-shot in that order. I have had much better results with the Hevi-shot than I have with any of the others with the exception of lead. I believe it would be a toss up between lead and Hevi. Get a box of #4 in 3″ for geese and a box of #6 in 3″ for ducks. It’s all I shoot anymore. At least 3 years and only 1 cripple. Still can figure that one out. To me… is worth the price.


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