Well, How was it?

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Anyone get any ducks? I heard some shooting. I went scouting…didn’t see much. But I found a few spots I am gonne try later this year.

    Posts: 5130

    It was the usual….hot,crowded, little shooting, but still fun Our spot on Saturday was a bust as far as birds go. Sunday morning was still slow and this evening was a little better as far as sightings, but hardly any shooting done by us.

    Posts: 5130

    It was the usual….hot,crowded, little shooting, but still fun Our spot on Saturday was a bust as far as birds go. Sunday morning was still slow and this evening was a little better as far as sightings, but hardly any shooting done by us.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    i heard a heck of a lot of shooting…right on through the the day…even after we left at 6:45, they were still blasting out there…What time are they supposed to get off anyway?? Just wondering…

    PS…The bass are firing up..If i were any of you duck hunters, i would bring a couple rods with while you sit there waiting for those ducks..

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    i heard a heck of a lot of shooting…right on through the the day…even after we left at 6:45, they were still blasting out there…What time are they supposed to get off anyway?? Just wondering…

    PS…The bass are firing up..If i were any of you duck hunters, i would bring a couple rods with while you sit there waiting for those ducks..

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    DNort and I heard shots going off in the distance all morning……

    The funny thing was, we had ducks ALL AROUND US . These ducks knew exactly where NOT to be….

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    DNort and I heard shots going off in the distance all morning……

    The funny thing was, we had ducks ALL AROUND US . These ducks knew exactly where NOT to be….

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    So when we going duck hun…I mean Bass fishing Slop?

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    So when we going duck hun…I mean Bass fishing Slop?

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Nothing special to report from the backwaters of our opener area…….our group ended up with 15 ducks Saturday and 13 Sunday…..ALL woodies and teal.

    Woodduck numbers seemed similar or a bit lower than last year, but teal were UP (compared to almost no teal around last year)…..A few mallards were around, but showed no interest in where we were hunting (not a big duck spot) .

    Hunter numbers also seemed down

    Also got out this morning a little closer to home for a quick hunt…..Similar duck numbers, but some big ducks around too……not much flying after 7:15 …….was able to scratch out 3 (a mallard, woodie, and greenwing) along with a bonus honker by 7:45 when I had to take off.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Nothing special to report from the backwaters of our opener area…….our group ended up with 15 ducks Saturday and 13 Sunday…..ALL woodies and teal.

    Woodduck numbers seemed similar or a bit lower than last year, but teal were UP (compared to almost no teal around last year)…..A few mallards were around, but showed no interest in where we were hunting (not a big duck spot) .

    Hunter numbers also seemed down

    Also got out this morning a little closer to home for a quick hunt…..Similar duck numbers, but some big ducks around too……not much flying after 7:15 …….was able to scratch out 3 (a mallard, woodie, and greenwing) along with a bonus honker by 7:45 when I had to take off.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    The new woodie decoys looked SWEET out on the pond

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    The new woodie decoys looked SWEET out on the pond

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Is that a beaver hut in the background?????

    What kind of Woodie dekes did you get? I got some Greenhead gear last year, they look awesome.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Is that a beaver hut in the background?????

    What kind of Woodie dekes did you get? I got some Greenhead gear last year, they look awesome.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    Is that a beaver hut in the background?????
    What kind of Woodie dekes did you get?

    Yep….that would be a “Beaver Hut”…..not to be confused with a “Pizza Hut” …….unfortunatly for my waders, the beaver had been very busy making repairs to his hut this year…….ended up Sundays hunt with a 10″ gash around the ankles of my boots from one of his darn cuttings .

    The woodie dekes are actually Remingtons new style……the look VERY similar to the GHG’s and seem to hold up as well as any deke.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    Is that a beaver hut in the background?????
    What kind of Woodie dekes did you get?

    Yep….that would be a “Beaver Hut”…..not to be confused with a “Pizza Hut” …….unfortunatly for my waders, the beaver had been very busy making repairs to his hut this year…….ended up Sundays hunt with a 10″ gash around the ankles of my boots from one of his darn cuttings .

    The woodie dekes are actually Remingtons new style……the look VERY similar to the GHG’s and seem to hold up as well as any deke.

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    We had an AWESOME opener!!! Lots of ducks flying…mainly woodies. Seemed like there were a few more mallards than other years. Since I’m new to duck hunting, in spite of aiming advice from my father-and brother-in-law I ended up shooting 50 shells in 45 minutes, two ducks. Of course, I heard about that the rest of the weekend, but it’s all in fun. I did borrow four more shells from my B.I.L. before we went in and did get one more, so my ratio improved.

    Had our limit on Saturday by 1:15, went back and listened to the Badger game

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    We had an AWESOME opener!!! Lots of ducks flying…mainly woodies. Seemed like there were a few more mallards than other years. Since I’m new to duck hunting, in spite of aiming advice from my father-and brother-in-law I ended up shooting 50 shells in 45 minutes, two ducks. Of course, I heard about that the rest of the weekend, but it’s all in fun. I did borrow four more shells from my B.I.L. before we went in and did get one more, so my ratio improved.

    Had our limit on Saturday by 1:15, went back and listened to the Badger game

    Posts: 776

    Just a little FYI to everyone……you cann’t group hunt. Everyone must know what they shot and the amounts, but I figured most already know that. Just putting it out there so everyone knows and no-one gets in trouble.

    Happy Hunting!

    Posts: 776

    Just a little FYI to everyone……you cann’t group hunt. Everyone must know what they shot and the amounts, but I figured most already know that. Just putting it out there so everyone knows and no-one gets in trouble.

    Happy Hunting!

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Yup, I know about group hunting, but thanks for the reminder. Got two Woodies, one drake Mallard Saturday, Two Woodies Sunday. Breasted ’em out after I got home and will get the slow cooker, cream ‘o mushroom soup and bacon ready.

    “A good time was had by all”


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Yup, I know about group hunting, but thanks for the reminder. Got two Woodies, one drake Mallard Saturday, Two Woodies Sunday. Breasted ’em out after I got home and will get the slow cooker, cream ‘o mushroom soup and bacon ready.

    “A good time was had by all”


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Jake, would I be correct in assuming that big ‘ol Beaver hut is in the big swamp?

    It looks awful familiar…

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Jake, would I be correct in assuming that big ‘ol Beaver hut is in the big swamp?

    It looks awful familiar…

    Up nort or down south
    Posts: 19


    Where you hunt in PDC?



    Up nort or down south
    Posts: 19


    Where you hunt in PDC?



    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    4 for 4 But we got checked by a Federal warden in pool 5. He said it was a lousy opener.But on a up note he said he found very few violations. The party about 1/4 mile from me opened up about 2 minutes to nine and killed a single goose.Do you think I should have reported them

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    4 for 4 But we got checked by a Federal warden in pool 5. He said it was a lousy opener.But on a up note he said he found very few violations. The party about 1/4 mile from me opened up about 2 minutes to nine and killed a single goose.Do you think I should have reported them

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30


    My in-laws have some land south of town. Since I married into the family, I guess that lets me be included in their hunting and fishing activities.


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