Another wasted opener

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    If the opener was the 15th and went till 15 Dec…it would be cooler to start with. Its hard to hunt ducks with in Shorts, sandals and tank tops. In years like we had last year, we may be able to get a few ducks come Dec, as it was, they din’t even get down until after our season was over. The local ducks will bail out from the pressure and the urge to head south in about a week or two. The birds from up North don’t head this way till it gets COLD up there. Not hard to figure out how this works. Unless it gets cold early up in Cananda(before Nov), The the majority of the birds won’t be here until Nov/Dec. What everyone is shooting at now is mostly local birds and teal that head south LONG before the other birds do.
    I also find that alot of the rude folks don’t have the “cajones” to be out there when its cold and miserable in say Nov/Dec.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    We hunted two days in waders and a long sleeve camo T-shirt and survived.

    I would like to see some hard numbers on how many years there has been any kind of significant open water to hunt after December 7th at La Crosse and points north. I remember one year about 3 years ago where we really missed out closing on the 5th of Decemeber. I can remember more years where 99% of the water was frozen on Thanksgiving or just there after. I know there is alot of field hunting ni the southern part of the state that could be done in December, but it isn’t around here.

    Seems to me the season set up right now is about perfect for a 60 day season.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    We hunted two days in waders and a long sleeve camo T-shirt and survived.

    I would like to see some hard numbers on how many years there has been any kind of significant open water to hunt after December 7th at La Crosse and points north. I remember one year about 3 years ago where we really missed out closing on the 5th of Decemeber. I can remember more years where 99% of the water was frozen on Thanksgiving or just there after. I know there is alot of field hunting ni the southern part of the state that could be done in December, but it isn’t around here.

    Seems to me the season set up right now is about perfect for a 60 day season.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    it was hot out for sure! but hey, I have also been in my deer stand 2nd weekend of Nov in a tshirt

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    it was hot out for sure! but hey, I have also been in my deer stand 2nd weekend of Nov in a tshirt

    Posts: 776

    i like to bust holes in mid-december as well, but the only thing that is coming out of them is 15″ crappie………

    Posts: 776

    i like to bust holes in mid-december as well, but the only thing that is coming out of them is 15″ crappie………

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I think Wisc. has split season.I would like to see Mn. go to that because for obvious reasons Northern Mn. freezes up sooner than we do in southern Mn. All waterfowl migrate weather there “locals” or not.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I think Wisc. has split season.I would like to see Mn. go to that because for obvious reasons Northern Mn. freezes up sooner than we do in southern Mn. All waterfowl migrate weather there “locals” or not.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey Fish……just wondering how all that late season cold nasty weather mallard hunting went for ya? …….especially these last two days?

    It’s too bad the season closes tomorrow…..If we only had two more weeks…..then we could really start pilling up those “Northern Mallards”, right?

    Sorry….I didn’t really want to say “I told you so”…..but……well……Let’s just say the ice is THICK, the ducks are GONE and we should have been ice fishing today

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey Fish……just wondering how all that late season cold nasty weather mallard hunting went for ya? …….especially these last two days?

    It’s too bad the season closes tomorrow…..If we only had two more weeks…..then we could really start pilling up those “Northern Mallards”, right?

    Sorry….I didn’t really want to say “I told you so”…..but……well……Let’s just say the ice is THICK, the ducks are GONE and we should have been ice fishing today

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Actually jake…My Dad and my Son have been hunting them all week. They haven’t been limiting out, but thats because my son is just beginning to get the hang of hitting them. I went out yesterday with my Dad and my Son. We got 13. Lets see, 2 goldeneyes, a buffle head, 3 redheads, and 7 fat greenheads.

    There were plenty of ducks around But its hard work keeping the ice and snow off the dekes and you gotta work to bust some ice with the boat to get to em.

    Best thing was, there were no cidiots out skybusting.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Actually jake…My Dad and my Son have been hunting them all week. They haven’t been limiting out, but thats because my son is just beginning to get the hang of hitting them. I went out yesterday with my Dad and my Son. We got 13. Lets see, 2 goldeneyes, a buffle head, 3 redheads, and 7 fat greenheads.

    There were plenty of ducks around But its hard work keeping the ice and snow off the dekes and you gotta work to bust some ice with the boat to get to em.

    Best thing was, there were no cidiots out skybusting.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    But do you still feel you would be killing birds into the middle of December?

    I’ll give you the fact that last week was good/great!!! (although I was not able to hunt either )…….Heck, it’s been great hunting ever since Nov. 1st………..However I did hunt Friday and Saturday, and they were by far the worst two days of my season .

    Yesterday the ice was so thick, we were able to pull the boat across it and it wasn’t even cracking underneath us……hard to break a hole in that unless you bust out the chainsaw……..the spot we ended up hunting was the only open water left on the whole marsh…..we walked out, pulling a sled full of decoys across 500yds of ice…….and the best part, we saw a total of maybe 20 birds ……..the only birds we shot were the cripples that had all been forced to use that last little bit of open water before they were eagle food.

    The very southern part of MN did lose out on 4 days of good hunting by closing last weekend……but after today, there will be very few realistic opportunities for ducks anywhere in MN or WI.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    But do you still feel you would be killing birds into the middle of December?

    I’ll give you the fact that last week was good/great!!! (although I was not able to hunt either )…….Heck, it’s been great hunting ever since Nov. 1st………..However I did hunt Friday and Saturday, and they were by far the worst two days of my season .

    Yesterday the ice was so thick, we were able to pull the boat across it and it wasn’t even cracking underneath us……hard to break a hole in that unless you bust out the chainsaw……..the spot we ended up hunting was the only open water left on the whole marsh…..we walked out, pulling a sled full of decoys across 500yds of ice…….and the best part, we saw a total of maybe 20 birds ……..the only birds we shot were the cripples that had all been forced to use that last little bit of open water before they were eagle food.

    The very southern part of MN did lose out on 4 days of good hunting by closing last weekend……but after today, there will be very few realistic opportunities for ducks anywhere in MN or WI.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    hehe i bet u guys wish you had a few spring fed ponds like i got at my fingertips those stay open weather its 20 degrees or -20 degrees

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    hehe i bet u guys wish you had a few spring fed ponds like i got at my fingertips those stay open weather its 20 degrees or -20 degrees

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I would preffer the season not open till later in the year because the colder temps keep the amatuers (skybusters) at home.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I would preffer the season not open till later in the year because the colder temps keep the amatuers (skybusters) at home.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I don’t think the “skybusters” stay home until deer season starts, then some are deer hunting, and the others don’t want to deal with the ice. Starting the season Nov. 19th or so would be a bit late.

    I can tell you, there were not many birds on Pool 7 yesterday. Few here and a few there, and two hens that just WOULD NOT leave until we had to do them in. And, Jake is the best damn late season duck dog I have ever seen!! He got two greenheads and never fired a shot!!

    Jake, my neck is killing me today from that spill on the ice.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I don’t think the “skybusters” stay home until deer season starts, then some are deer hunting, and the others don’t want to deal with the ice. Starting the season Nov. 19th or so would be a bit late.

    I can tell you, there were not many birds on Pool 7 yesterday. Few here and a few there, and two hens that just WOULD NOT leave until we had to do them in. And, Jake is the best damn late season duck dog I have ever seen!! He got two greenheads and never fired a shot!!

    Jake, my neck is killing me today from that spill on the ice.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    hehe i bet u guys wish you had a few spring fed ponds like i got at my fingertips those stay open weather its 20 degrees or -20 degrees

    Hey fish, we’ll be up next year after she ices up for a mallard shoot!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    hehe i bet u guys wish you had a few spring fed ponds like i got at my fingertips those stay open weather its 20 degrees or -20 degrees

    Hey fish, we’ll be up next year after she ices up for a mallard shoot!!

    Posts: 1514

    just out of curiosity, how many birds do you average a year? i know a lot of local “pros” who talk about duck hunting every year,all year long but yet just dont go. i hunt from open to close every year, four days a week…all day to not 1hr in morning and 1hr in evening like most. 100 degrees or 20 below im out.

    Posts: 1514

    just out of curiosity, how many birds do you average a year? i know a lot of local “pros” who talk about duck hunting every year,all year long but yet just dont go. i hunt from open to close every year, four days a week…all day to not 1hr in morning and 1hr in evening like most. 100 degrees or 20 below im out.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I can tell you, there were not many birds on Pool 7 yesterday.

    You didn’t see many birds, because most of them were in Dresbach Island. The inside of the island was PACKED with big Mallards & Geese.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I can tell you, there were not many birds on Pool 7 yesterday.

    You didn’t see many birds, because most of them were in Dresbach Island. The inside of the island was PACKED with big Mallards & Geese.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    I am on the water or in the field 2 to 3 days a week the entire season. Starting with early and ending with late goose. Time permitting I spend 1 to 2 nights a week scouting.

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