SW MN Ducks

  • Fife
    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4062

    The ducks are coming. On Wednesday two hunting parties told me that they were seeing a lot more mallards. One group ended up with 2 and the other 8. Thursday I went out and all my spots had hunters in them. Did a lot of scouting and saw some pretty large flocks. Saturday my buddies went out and shot some more mallards. They said they saw 25 large flocks. They lured a few singles down out of them. These were big birds, I think they are on their way down from way up north finally.

    Posts: 129

    I saw some flocks of migrators when I was out deer hunting in Southern Mn. This coming week might be the real deal.

    Posts: 129

    I saw some flocks of migrators when I was out deer hunting in Southern Mn. This coming week might be the real deal.

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