1st for me

  • john_r
    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    Went duck hunting this afternoon on pool 8. Not spectacular by any means , but got my first drake pintail in 28 years fo duck hunting. I have had a couple other shots over the years, but didn’t seem like it was meant to be until today. Also got a drake mallard for the pot, and when ya see your young dog make 2 great retrieves, well it doesn’t get much better than that. The afternnon would have to be rated as slow, but I was hunting and not working. Good luck to all. John

    Posts: 776

    Shoot the pintails while you can now, cause this Sunday is the last day to knock them down..

    Congrats on the pintail.

    Posts: 776

    Shoot the pintails while you can now, cause this Sunday is the last day to knock them down..

    Congrats on the pintail.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I think Friday is actually the last legal day. Check the regs for sure!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I think Friday is actually the last legal day. Check the regs for sure!!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Man, did I blow my chance at a nice sprig this morning .

    At about 7:15 I had 3 ducks (2 bigger ducks and a spoonie) skirt the edge of my dekes a couple times and then land out about 60yds from me. I didn’t shoot when they circled because I was looking directly into the sun and couldn’t tell what they were (other than the spoonie ). Well, after about 10mins, the 2 bigger ones got up, banked to the right and then flew right at me. As they were passing directly over my head at no more than 20yds, I took the safety off and pulled the gun up to see the rusty colored head, bright white belly, and long pointy tail feathers of a mature drake pintail…….I thought Garsh Darnit, MN’s pintail season closed last week ………So I began to take my gun off my shoulder…….only then did it hit me……Wait a minute…….I’m not in MN…… I’M IN WISCONSIN!!!!

    [insert swear words] [insert swear words]

    I knew I had blown it before my gun got to my hip. All I could do was watch him fly away. I was (still am) bummin big time.

    I knew that I had until friday to shoot a pintail in WI because I just checked the regs last night (because of this thread)…….it just completely slipped my mind.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Man, did I blow my chance at a nice sprig this morning .

    At about 7:15 I had 3 ducks (2 bigger ducks and a spoonie) skirt the edge of my dekes a couple times and then land out about 60yds from me. I didn’t shoot when they circled because I was looking directly into the sun and couldn’t tell what they were (other than the spoonie ). Well, after about 10mins, the 2 bigger ones got up, banked to the right and then flew right at me. As they were passing directly over my head at no more than 20yds, I took the safety off and pulled the gun up to see the rusty colored head, bright white belly, and long pointy tail feathers of a mature drake pintail…….I thought Garsh Darnit, MN’s pintail season closed last week ………So I began to take my gun off my shoulder…….only then did it hit me……Wait a minute…….I’m not in MN…… I’M IN WISCONSIN!!!!

    [insert swear words] [insert swear words]

    I knew I had blown it before my gun got to my hip. All I could do was watch him fly away. I was (still am) bummin big time.

    I knew that I had until friday to shoot a pintail in WI because I just checked the regs last night (because of this thread)…….it just completely slipped my mind.

    Posts: 129

    I shot a nice drake pintail when the Mn season was still in effect. I had 7 circle the dekes and drop in. I ended up with one nice drake. That was the first pintail I had shot in a couple of years.


    Posts: 129

    I shot a nice drake pintail when the Mn season was still in effect. I had 7 circle the dekes and drop in. I ended up with one nice drake. That was the first pintail I had shot in a couple of years.


    Posts: 776

    Moss I think your right…The 5th I think, I will have to look it up and make sure. I just knew it was coming up here soon.

    Posts: 776

    Moss I think your right…The 5th I think, I will have to look it up and make sure. I just knew it was coming up here soon.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I took a guy out hunting a couple weeks ago and wee had some Pintails come in. Well there were three hens and a beautiful drake. These birds were circling the deeks and one of the hens cups and comes in. This guys pulls up and shoots the hen. Of course the rest of the ducks hightailed it out of the area. Then this friggin moron looks over at me as proud as can be. Since he is not a duck hunter, he did not even realize how stupid he was. Needless to say, I read him the riot act and he has not been in my boat since.

    Lenny Jamison

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I took a guy out hunting a couple weeks ago and wee had some Pintails come in. Well there were three hens and a beautiful drake. These birds were circling the deeks and one of the hens cups and comes in. This guys pulls up and shoots the hen. Of course the rest of the ducks hightailed it out of the area. Then this friggin moron looks over at me as proud as can be. Since he is not a duck hunter, he did not even realize how stupid he was. Needless to say, I read him the riot act and he has not been in my boat since.

    Lenny Jamison

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