9 am opener = Good News…….

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Do you suppose this means there’s gonna be a duck season after all?

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I will kill ducks at any hour of the day. Personally I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just one day out of the season, and noon was tradition. I have listened and read about guys complaining about the noon opener for years, and I just don’t get it. Someone please tell me what the big deal is. Is missing one early morning hunt going to wreck the whole season?? Not to mention the hens that would die. I guess we are going to have to start a new tradition of 0830 breakfast instead of 1130 lunch in the swamp. Jake, I think we are going to have a duck season again this year. How long it is may be up in the air.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I will kill ducks at any hour of the day. Personally I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just one day out of the season, and noon was tradition. I have listened and read about guys complaining about the noon opener for years, and I just don’t get it. Someone please tell me what the big deal is. Is missing one early morning hunt going to wreck the whole season?? Not to mention the hens that would die. I guess we are going to have to start a new tradition of 0830 breakfast instead of 1130 lunch in the swamp. Jake, I think we are going to have a duck season again this year. How long it is may be up in the air.

    Posts: 922

    What have you guys been hearing about the breeding conditions in the Dakotas and Sask? I would think the Dakotas would be fine, given the snow and rain we have been getting. However, I heard Sask is in bad shape…

    Posts: 922

    What have you guys been hearing about the breeding conditions in the Dakotas and Sask? I would think the Dakotas would be fine, given the snow and rain we have been getting. However, I heard Sask is in bad shape…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    The pothole region looks real good for the spring, but that was before all of this rain nailed us, hopefully if some hens lost their nest, they will nest again. As for the opener, we Minnesotans are getting screwed for the first two weeks of the season because of the late opener hours and the fact we get cut-off at 4:00 everyday for 2 weeks. So I think that if they continue to cut us off they should extend the season to make up for the lost time!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    The pothole region looks real good for the spring, but that was before all of this rain nailed us, hopefully if some hens lost their nest, they will nest again. As for the opener, we Minnesotans are getting screwed for the first two weeks of the season because of the late opener hours and the fact we get cut-off at 4:00 everyday for 2 weeks. So I think that if they continue to cut us off they should extend the season to make up for the lost time!!!

    Posts: 6

    The feds give all the Mississippi Flyway states the last several years a 60 day season not a 59.5 day season. Besides MN and WI I don’t know of any other state that has such a stupid rule! If safety is a main concern lets start the deer and fishing openers at noon as well! Goose and the youth season starts 1/2 hour before sunrise as should the regular duck. IMO.

    Posts: 6

    The feds give all the Mississippi Flyway states the last several years a 60 day season not a 59.5 day season. Besides MN and WI I don’t know of any other state that has such a stupid rule! If safety is a main concern lets start the deer and fishing openers at noon as well! Goose and the youth season starts 1/2 hour before sunrise as should the regular duck. IMO.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    If safety is a main concern lets start the deer and fishing openers at noon as well!

    Hey, hey now, you’re just getting silly. I agree, it is a stupid, meaningless rule.

    Gator Hunter

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    If safety is a main concern lets start the deer and fishing openers at noon as well!

    Hey, hey now, you’re just getting silly. I agree, it is a stupid, meaningless rule.

    Gator Hunter

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    The difference for me is I have to be out there at dark to get my spot regardless of opening time. A 9 am opener is 3 hours less time with sitting with our thumbs in our rear waiting for the season to open. I think it’s about the same to the ducks anytime after the first hour of daylight.

    I wonder if it passes Minnesota if Wisconsin will follow suit?

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    The difference for me is I have to be out there at dark to get my spot regardless of opening time. A 9 am opener is 3 hours less time with sitting with our thumbs in our rear waiting for the season to open. I think it’s about the same to the ducks anytime after the first hour of daylight.

    I wonder if it passes Minnesota if Wisconsin will follow suit?

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I doubt it matters. Minnesota has been opening the season the week before Wisconsin for the last couple years. Sucks for the guys on the river. An hour after daylight all the ducks are settled in nice and quiet in Wisconsin. I doubt Minnesota will pull thier heads out and open on the same week as Wisconsin.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I doubt it matters. Minnesota has been opening the season the week before Wisconsin for the last couple years. Sucks for the guys on the river. An hour after daylight all the ducks are settled in nice and quiet in Wisconsin. I doubt Minnesota will pull thier heads out and open on the same week as Wisconsin.

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