Waterfowl Trip ND or Manitoba Question

  • bradl110
    Posts: 276

    Hey guys, I know that this is a fishing site but its been really tough finding info on this topic on where to go and what month would be the best to hunt in Manitoba or North Dakota without going through an outfitter. My dad and I have been to Manitoba about 15 years ago but I know times have changed with bigger outfitters making it harder to get on any land.

    PM me if you don’t want your info shared. Would appreciate any feedback.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We go to Manitoba every year the first week in October. It’s hit or miss on the weather. Some years it’s 70-80 degrees which isn’t ideal for waterfowl hunting, but we have also had a foot of snow, like last year when we hunted the last 2 days in a blizzard. It’s a real crap shoot if you go after the middle of October. A lot of the pot hole will be frozen on normal years.

    Hunting is decent, some years pretty good. Plenty of ducks, usually decent numbers of dark geese and always a few snows. Right in our immediate area the majority of the land is owned or leased by outfitters, but there are some land owners that will let you hunt, some for a fee. It’s a little work scouting and knocking on doors, but it can be well worth the effort.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    Its been a few years, but we used to go to Cando, ND. About 35 miles north of Devils Lake. I don’t re-call the place we stayed at but it was a condo setting place in town run by a little old lady. A LOT of land to scout around there. Plenty of opportunities to shoot Ducks & Geese.

    Sticker is right, weather is hit or miss but, isn’t it with any outdoor activity? Last time I was out there is was the 3rd weekend in Oct. & we were in our layout blinds with our shirts off getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.. Other years, wake up to find 26″ of snow on the truck. Either way your bound to have a good time!!

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    If North Dakota is easier for you, I wouldn’t be afraid to throw my chips in. I have always hunted the south-east quarter of the state and for the most part done well. This included putting on a few hundred miles a day scouting and sleeping in trucks parked in the field I intended on hunting the next morning. Typically, as a “Blue Plater” it will be an uphill battle getting any decent info from the locals, always helps to spend some money at the bars though. Like what was stated above, late October is prime time.

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