Waterfowl field decoys

  • Bobby foley
    Posts: 16

    I’m looking to buy some decoys, I need Canada goose shells and mallard full bodies.
    I was looking at ghg prograde shells and Dakota decoys full body mallards. Just wondering what you guys would buy and what you like about them

    Posts: 585

    I do a ton of duck and goose hunting. Full body honkers all year and then late season we bust out a lot of shell sleepers.
    Field mallards don’t evan waste your time buying them. a robo or 2 in the field and it will all be over but the crying. I have some goose shells regular and super mags I would sell if your interested?
    Just make sure to have your robots on a switch or a remote or the geese won’t decoy very well. The honkers hate mojos.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    shells are nice and easy and you can buy and store a lot more of them, but fully bodies honkers look so much better and work better. We started out with all shells and over the years we have added 1-2 dozen full bodies honkers per year to our inventory. It makes a huge difference. We have been buying the tanglefree full body honkers and are very pleased with them. They are one piece and come with stick in stakes and stakes with stand for frozen or hard packed ground.

    We do have full body and shell mallards dekes, but I really have not noticed a difference in their performance. If you have honker dekes out mallards will come to them.

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    I agree that Ducks will land in honker dekes just as well if not better than duck dekes but I often hunt carry in only fields for mallards and carrying honker dekes can be a royal pain in the arse! I have 4 dozen GHG mallard she’ll dekes that work fabulous! I can fit 2 dozen in a 1 dozen decoy bag! And they look amazing! Move in the slightest wind! Only issue is they only come with stakes so when the ground freezes they can be a bit of a pain but we just used a cordless drill and a 1/4″ bit and it takes little time to get set up!

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