Watch For Wildlife on the Trails!!!

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    The trails I ride in NW Wisconsin are notorious for being more like tunnels through the brush. Especially the old rail trails and fire roads. Smooth enough to smash the loud handle but almost zero visibility on the sides. I have encountered deer nearly every ride but last Friday was the worst episode yet. A bear walks in front of me as Im semi-cooking down a trail ALREADY IN A CITY LIMIT!!! I hit the binders knowing I would miss it if it kept walking, which it did. THEN out pops the cub and I was in panic mode all over again. This all happened over 1 second of time. I barely missed the cub but was sure I would hit cub number 2. I got lucky and this sow only had one cub as confirmed with a nearby resident later that day. I cant even imagine hitting a cub and either it getting hung up in the quad OR horribly wounded with my wife coming up way behind me. That incident has me slowing down in the pucker brush. Maybe. Keep your eyes open!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Holy $hit! Scary, dood.

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