I believe its been said that a democracy cannot survive if ruled by the judiciary. Herein lies the problem. The Supreme Court keeps supporting the protests as a 1st Amendment right. I’m fine with people having a voice, but if they start with violating laws, like plugging up interstate highways or trespassing or littering or TEARING DOWN STATUES while in the act of protesting, they’ve gone beyond the meaning of free speech as suggested in the 1st Amendment. Maybe its now time to re-amend the first Amendment to include LAWFULLY and Legally and WITHOUT damage to either the public or private sectors? Give law enforcement some teeth without having to ask permission from the panty waste mayors or governors. The answers here all start with elected officials in Washington to bring the 1st Amendment into line with what’s taking place today because is clear that what was amended a couple hundred years ago certainly is being mis-interpreted today.
I honestly think that at the federal level all of the elected officials are fed up with this garbage that cities and states and their mouthpieces are allowing because sooner or later its the federal government that will be asked to help rebuild….that means we, YOU and I all have to ante up to fix something that should never have gotten wrecked in the first place.