Interesting read and take on the city’s part.
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Warning: this thread is about the aftermath of the riots in Mpls.
Posts: 264August 15, 2020 at 11:27 am #1965416Government action produces riots that burns down private property. Government demands thousands of dollars of extortion to rebuild your own property.
But we need government or there would be chaos!
Posts: 3403greig john
InactiveMinnesotaPosts: 106August 15, 2020 at 12:37 pm #1965422Might be time for the businesses to leave the area
I’d leave even if they paid me to stay.
Posts: 5307August 15, 2020 at 12:51 pm #1965424The council is removing these restrictions now. Funny how they don’t give a crap until media coverage.
Many here would be surprised even over NoMi there are many folks I personally talk to that think the city government is a joke. And many are expecting riot and burn season 2 to be coming out soon after the cops are found not guilty…..
August 15, 2020 at 12:55 pm #1965425The council is removing these restrictions now. Funny how they don’t give a crap until media coverage.
Many here would be surprised even over NoMi there are many folks I personally talk to that think the city government is a joke. And many are expecting riot and burn season 2 to be coming out soon after the cops are found not guilty…..
Yup i assume riot number 2 will happen, sounds like Mr earl grey has a pretty strong case and and the toxicology report alone with improper training will likely get the cops off free
August 15, 2020 at 1:40 pm #1965429[Quote]
Yup i assume riot number 2 will happen, sounds like Mr earl grey has a pretty strong case and and the toxicology report alone with improper training will likely get the cops off free
[/quote]My one and only comment about this entire ordeal.
Coming from a police family, dad retired police chief, brother is currently a chief, numerous cousins police and state troppers.
We need to train someone not to kneel on anothers persons neck and have other officers standing there doing nothing, seriouslyAugust 16, 2020 at 7:11 am #1965540Sad to say but that stuff is in every industry. New guy sees something strange being done by a long time employee and rather than say something they think of it as being condoned by the company.
IMO only one cop needs jail time here. Thats the guy who should have known better. The others? I dunno maybe fired or suspended, probation at worse. However we haven’t seen all the facts in the case yet either. I’ll reserve my final judgement until after the verdicts.
Posts: 6259August 16, 2020 at 7:27 am #1965542Based on the body cam footage that came out that the media didn’t cover, the I cant breath comments started coming from the victim before anyone touched him. The fact that one of the main drugs the victim was on is known to cause breathing issues I would say the cops should walk. But you’ll never get the real story because it doesn’t fit the media’s agenda
As far as tax breaks for the businesses in that area affected. I would move out and let the area rot
Posts: 155August 16, 2020 at 7:49 am #1965545Paying property tax before receiving permits is nothing new. Has been a policy for some time. Why is everyone in an uproar now!?!?
Some people just insist on going through their lives in an uproar!
Guess it makes them feel better. To each their own.
August 16, 2020 at 10:50 am #1965573John Thompson, who recently won his Primary for 67A in St. Paul, goes off and screams at neighborhood children, residents, and neighbors of Police Union Leader Bob Kroll.
"F*CK, Hugo Minnesota!"
BLM protesters gathered today outside Kroll's home.
— Alpha News MN (@AlphaNewsMN) August 15, 2020
August 16, 2020 at 11:04 am #1965577Why is everyone in an uproar now!?!?
Because (most of) these business owners didn’t ask for their businesses to be burned to the ground. They didn’t ask for their worthless mayor and governor to sit in their bunkers with their hands in their pockets while the city burned. This is 100% on their lack of leadership and their lack of deescalation of the situation. The leaders should have been paying the property taxes out of their own pockets.
August 16, 2020 at 12:42 pm #1965594It will be interesting to watch and see if these officials get reelected if so burn baby burn and I would not care.
Posts: 1695Beast
Posts: 1271August 16, 2020 at 8:05 pm #1965660<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>brewerybuilder wrote:</div>
Why is everyone in an uproar now!?!?Because (most of) these business owners didn’t ask for their businesses to be burned to the ground. They didn’t ask for their worthless mayor and governor to sit in their bunkers with their hands in their pockets while the city burned. This is 100% on their lack of leadership and their lack of deescalation of the situation. The leaders should have been paying the property taxes out of their own pockets.
Politicians seem now days so concerned that someone will label them raciest if they say something wrong, or if they had done something to established law and order during the riots, they were so struck with fear that they would lose their positions and how the media would portray them, they froze and did nothing. they forget that they were elected to protect the city and follow the will of the majority, not the will of a special interest that had no regard of personal property, the law, or the welfare of those of the city.
August 16, 2020 at 8:11 pm #1965662About the only thing I agreed with Jesse on……….term limits. For every elected office in the land.
Posts: 1271August 16, 2020 at 8:13 pm #1965663About the only thing I agreed with Jesse on……….term limits. For every elected office in the land.
I agree, we all get better government if they had term limits.
Posts: 264August 16, 2020 at 9:04 pm #1965671we all get better government if they had term limits
What does it say about democracy that people living under it feel the best way to improve government is to eliminate the candidates that are mostly likely to win!?
Ice Cap
Posts: 2245August 16, 2020 at 9:24 pm #1965676Minneapolis will burn again and probably much worse than the first time. George Floyd was a criminal and a junkie. A lifestyle not known for its longevity. He had enough Fetanyl in him to kill three people plus meth plus his overall poor heart health. Dead man walking before cops even showed up. The defense will have his toxicology report blown up to billboard size and displayed in front of the jury the entire time.
He was foaming at the mouth as indicated by one of the officers early in during the incident. The CDC states one of the most common characteristics of a fentanyl overdose is foaming at the mouth.
Chauvin arrest warrant was issued May 29th. Charged with third degree murder later raised to second.
Toxicology report wasn’t even released until May 31st from a independent lab in Pennsylvania.
So the tox report wasn’t even available to the attorney general Ellison until after the charges and arrest warrant were brought. The defense is going to have a field day.Ellison over reacted in a way a attorney general never should. He will now pay for it as will the city. Good luck to all of you in the metro.
August 16, 2020 at 9:44 pm #1965679Ellison over reacted in a way a attorney general never should. He will now pay for it as will the city. Good luck to all of you in the metro.
He’s doing exactly what he wanted. First the incredibly high charges. Then notice how he also wants all 4 trials to happen together? That will create maximum impact for when all 4 get charges dropped, at the same time. He wants the country to burn.
Red Eye
Posts: 1005August 17, 2020 at 6:41 am #1965696Only saving grace for the business owners is I hope they all had good insurance. That way they can take the money and run far away from that cesspool.
Posts: 141August 17, 2020 at 7:08 am #1965701Only saving grace for the business owners is I hope they all had good insurance. That way they can take the money and run far away from that cesspool.
Many business owners have stated that rioting isn’t covered under current policies.
Ice Cap
Posts: 2245August 17, 2020 at 7:30 am #1965703<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Red Eye wrote:</div>
Only saving grace for the business owners is I hope they all had good insurance. That way they can take the money and run far away from that cesspool.Many business owners have stated that rioting isn’t covered under current policies.
Depends on the level of insurance they purchased I imagine. Is riot insurance a rider policy? If so I’m sure many small businesses didn’t have it. If they did and want to rebuild in the same spot I’m sure the premium will skyrocket. I think it’s been shown riot torn business districts rarely if ever come back to what they once were.
Posts: 104August 17, 2020 at 7:39 am #1965708<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ice Cap wrote:</div>
Ellison over reacted in a way a attorney general never should. He will now pay for it as will the city. Good luck to all of you in the metro.He’s doing exactly what he wanted. First the incredibly high charges. Then notice how he also wants all 4 trials to happen together? That will create maximum impact for when all 4 get charges dropped, at the same time. He wants the country to burn.
Seems to be several on here who would revel in the City going back into chaos just so you can say I told you so.
August 17, 2020 at 8:05 am #1965724MPLS is in a world of hurt right now and is rapidly joining cities like Portland and Seattle. Upwards of 50 businesses have already left. One hundred cops are expected to not return next year and will not be replaced. The local government makes decisions based on how they feel people will react versus what they know is the right thing to do. As vacant stores become more prevalent the scum becomes more and more prevalent. Think of it as Maplewood mall on a huge scale.
I don’t quite understand people wanting to see the city burn, sounds like the same mentality as the rioters.
As MPLS goes so goes the state.
August 17, 2020 at 8:22 am #1965731I don’t want the city to burn or get destroyed. I don’t live there, but I have an office down town (that I rarely use at the moment). I would never want to live there but I enjoy a attending the sporting events there on occasion.
August 17, 2020 at 8:22 am #1965732Seems to be several on here who would revel in the City going back into chaos just so you can say I told you so.
Thats where you’d be wrong.
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